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  • Scenic
    Posts: 112

    Great tribute Randy. It takes a special person to do what you did for and with him. You are that person.

    Posts: 112

    think i found the answer..iffin your on SSDI you could get a free license, and my wife is……but seems like ya gotta find paperwork….i’ll just pay the fee!!!!!

    Disabled and receiving a supplemental income (SSI, SSD, SSDI) Dr fills it out like a parking permit.

    Posts: 112

    so i went to the DNR site to check on fishing licenses….. i noticed they have a disability license for no fee????

    what if anything does anyone know about this? does said disability mean a handicap sticker for your vehicle……or if a person is getting social security disability?????????

    meybe its in the handbook they give out…..i havent picked one up yet??

    Maybe its online on the DNR site under Exemptions and fishing licenses issued without a fee

    Posts: 112

    I run the KleenDef in mine with no issues. At $6.99/jug it is cheaper than buying it at the pump.

    Posts: 112

    Having worked on both boats I would take that Pro V over the Impact. Thicker material and it seems to be a lot better supported. They are also put together better.

    Posts: 112

    All those sticks look really good. I know we will be making some soon as I am about out.

    Posts: 112

    I have had several over the years and its hard to beat the sound and price of the JBL Charges. I think the one I have now is 4-5 years old. Like you I use it a lot.

    Posts: 112

    I literally have never intentionally jigged a spoon of any sort without bait. What am I missing here?

    Those PinHeads and Pin Head Pros work great. A lot of times I will tip them with a wex worm but if it falls off I will continue fishing it. Most times I will start with them baitless. Just keep it moving but don’t over work it.

    Posts: 112

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>3rdtryguy wrote:</div>
    Poor old Vexilar, they’ve been going out of business for 50 years. Don’t leave home without em!

    My old man has a older fl18, a Marcum lx5, and a marcum camera. I swear that guy hardly ever brings one with and if he does it’s for water depth. And then he will out fish every one around with no graph and his old ass 2 pegged jigging stick with no reel.

    Funny how the ole boys seemed to catch fish. For years my Dad fished crappies with black dacron line in about 20# or so on the jiggle sticks. He didn’t want to lose a jig to a northern. No electronics and always seemed to catch fish.

    Posts: 112

    I’ll continue to be one of the guys who doesn’t stare down at a screen the entire time in out doors on the water. And teach my kid the same.
    There is nothing even a little exciting about these releases

    I am with Bearcat on this one. I see guys chasing their electronics more than chasing fish. Opening weekend on Winnie I had to holler at two boat owners who were staring at their electronics so hard they were not looking at where they were going. I do use some electronics but not to the point I forget I am fishing or driving a boat.

    The sky is the limit on these electronics. There will always be a new bigger better unit coming out. IMO find one you like, learn it and stick with it.

    Posts: 112

    I have the Clam X400 with the Max Entry door system. I like that I can still bank right up to the door without it hindering getting in and out. I fish with one in a wheel chair with no issues using it. Goes up fast as well.

    Posts: 112

    I feel your pain. We too normally buy a bunch this time of the year. About $1.29 is the cheapest I have seen in a while now. The price of even making sausage keeps going up and up. Sheep casing have sky rocketed. Even some of the pre-mix seasonings are adding a buck a pound to the cost of snack sticks. Pretty sure we are not going to make nearly what we have in the past years.

    Posts: 112

    Thank you for the kind words. We have been extremely busy up here. Just finishing up a 2016 Lund Pro V with a bad transom and paint. It is amazing how much stuff needs to be removed just to work on that area. Every day is a new challenge.

    The addition of the new spray booth has opened many doors for us. The smell of the product we use to pour transom’s and paint is pretty bad without one.

    Iowaboy’s boat is going to be stripped down to the hull on the inside, dashes will be re-made to accommodate his new gauges/controls and everything in the inside of that boat will be replaced with new. We are also working on the dings and giving the outside a face lift as well. Our goal is to make that look better than the day it was sold new. Color and graphics will match that new Suzuki he is going to put on the back of that boat.

    Rebuild, renew, repower and reuse.

    Posts: 112

    We pour all of the transoms we replace. If done properly it will adhere to the transom better and last longer. Then after fixing and treating the metal we repaint them to look like new.

    Posts: 112

    By looking at your pictures I would agree with PmB. Inside of the transom on a Lund you already have either 2 or 4 anadodes. But once the wood begins to decay they do little good. Inside of each of those blisters you will find powder corrosion that will only get worse. I have seen transoms rot out both from being wet as well as what appears to be dry rotting.

    Also looking at your pictures you have what appears to be deeper bolt indentations and wavy transom skin. This is also common with a failing transom.

    1999-2016 Lunds are known to have transom issues. The wood they used during those years is not holding up.

    Posts: 112

    I think this is one of the best programs out there. My son was a youth shooter but they did not have this program before he graduated. So now he helps coach it.
    As for Auto Loaders I personally shoot trap with a Beretta AL391 Same gun as I hunted with. I have no idea how many rounds I have put through that gun with not a problem.

    Posts: 112

    I had anaplasmosis in my late 20s. It was the sickest I have ever been with anything. It was also mis diagnosed Or undiagnosed for over a week. I too had a lumbar puncture to test for bacterial meningitis. I was extremely sick for nearly a month. Even after getting the correct diagnosis and starting doxycycline it took about 10 days to get mostly better. I hope your father has a quick recovery.

    Pretty much the same for me. I had it about 3 years ago. I was really sick as well. They gave me high doses of Doxy for about a week and then backed the dosage down for two weeks.

    Park Rapids to north of Bemidji is a common spot for bad ticks.

    Posts: 112

    I don’t think I would knock a hole in that one. Multiple entrants I would lay a thick layer over each opening quick and then just keep spaying back and forth. That is going to be at least a two canner.

    Posts: 112

    I have had a composite one for years as well with no issues. If I had to install another unit I would use the composite.

    Posts: 112

    Preston my Buddy. That kid sure knows how to put together a breakfast..and eat it too!! He is way fun. You’re welcome. It was get having you guys here but time went way to fast.

    Posts: 112

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ron F wrote:</div>
    Have any of you had to use your floor jack while not on a paved surface? Years ago I remember my father trying to use one a gravel should and he said the boat axle kept slipping off the jack because a floor jack needs to be able to roll towards the lifting point as it goes up. If the jack can’t roll the lift point rotates and can slip out from under the axle. He quit carrying a floor jack after that.

    I didn’t witness it but that’s what he told me.

    A bottle jack or scissor jack goes straight up but a floor jack goes up in an arc if it can’t roll across the floor.

    They have a wide enough top plate that I’ve never had a single issue. Only needs to lift a couple inches at most. If you were going higher I would get it. A bottle jack also puts you in a spot because it wants to lift perfectly vertical, where as a trailer being jacked on one side won’t lift perfectly vertical which then puts a side load on a spot of the bottle. But both typically work in a pinch. Just use them wisely

    I have had to use my floor jack a couple times and have never had an issue either. Floor jack and impact wrench sure makes short work out of changing tires.

    Posts: 112

    Excellent work. Not sure how you can get any more life like than those!!!

    Posts: 112

    Get better soon there John. Glad to hear you are just bruised up. Looks like it could have been much worse.

    Posts: 112

    A bit of orange throat and you will have a parrot shad. Looks really good!!!

    Posts: 112

    What a mess. I hope that water receded over night. As long as everyone is safe the rest can be replaced. Good luck Sheldon.

    Posts: 112

    I think we are going to open on Winnie this year. Normally fish there the 3rd week of season but with the water temps so far advanced I think it should be good.

    Posts: 112

    Orioles just showed up here this morning. Have not seen any hummers yet. I might try to fill the Humming Bird feeders and put out some jelly in the morning. See how long before Yogi finds them on the deck.

    Posts: 112

    Terrible picture but pvc ceiling mount. 4 mounting feet, 4 elbows, 1 piece of pipe, can of glue and about 20 minutes to build. I have each one hold 15 rods.

    1. 20240409_213910-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 112

    That is a great video with many good points.

    I grew up in the era, like Jimmy Jones, where we learned to fish first. Back in the day I remember when the ole Green Box flasher came out. OMG the controversy that thing caused back in the day. Not to mention it was priced out of reach for many people. Eventually I was able to get a used one to put on the ole John Boat with the suction cup that came with it.

    Back then we only fished a handful of lakes. Now I could see the water depth. But what I found was I was still fishing the areas that I fished before but now I could tell how deep it was. That was the only difference. Thinking back how did that help? I didn’t change how or where I was fishing because we had to learn to fish those areas for years without knowing the depth.

    This did change how we fished through the ice. Growing up we fished deep water drops that were found by lining this tree up to that power pole. We set our bobbers to three arm lengths. But now with this magic box we could see suspended fish that before we could not see. We found the fish were higher or lower in the water. That was a game changer and did put more fish on the ice.

    Over the years I began fishing more lakes where the “depth finder” became a useful tool. Because of my having to previously use the knowledge of fishing first we never used this magic box in open water for finding fish but for finding structure on a lake we did not know. We still had to use that knowledge and rely on what we knew fish would bite on.

    Technology has changed fishing in many degrees. I’m guilty of using many of them. But that knowledge of how to actually fish still needs to be used. Do I need to see every fish come up and hit my bait? No.

    I’m on the fence with a forward facing unit. For me personally I believe that I would use it on the few times I hit Lake Superior and would not use it for my local lakes that I fish walleye or crappie on. So I can’t really justify it. For the local lakes I still rely on that school of hard knocks knowledge and learning to fish.

    Do I believe they should not be used in tournaments? I do believe that. I feel that there are a lot of people who would like to fish tournaments but because they can hardly afford a simple boat they cannot afford the technology and therefore in a lot of ways it becomes a technology vs fishing tournament. But that is just my personal opinion.

    Then where do you draw the line in “enough” technology? We now have mapping, sonar, trolling motors,,, Just go fish and have fun!!!

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