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  • sallie
    Posts: 95

    I was planning on coming with Fishing Machine. Something has come up and I won’t be able to make it.

    Posts: 95

    I just heard on the news the reason for the high gas prices.
    It’s because of DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time. With the extra daylight people are driving more. Can you believe this?

    Posts: 95

    This new emergency rule on the virus has been posted under the Wisconsin forum, Mississippi river, Walleye. It was put out by the Wiconsin Natural Resources Board.
    I have a lot of questions. Since this was put out by Wisconsin is it going to impact Iowa and Minnesota. It just says Mississippi river.
    Also it sounds like if you have any leftover minnows you want to use the next day you’ll have to dump them in the trash at the boat landing.
    Is there anyone that has more information on this.

    Posts: 95

    I’ll be coming along with Fishing Machine so you can put me down for shore help.

    Posts: 95

    Ya, Right Herb!

    Posts: 95

    Tom Donaldsons post on the fly boxes he had a while back gave me an idea. I had a box that my Strike Master auger blades came in. I put some foam in it and it works real good. Thanks Tom.

    Posts: 95

    You can also spray them with some W D 40 each time you’re done.

    Posts: 95


    Man, I’m getting to be a antique.

    Posts: 95

    Good Luck with your new job.
    I also really enjoyed listening to you. That was my favorite station until they changed everything.

    Posts: 95

    Oh, Oh Mary I guess you shouldn’t have said that.
    They just always seem to take it the wrong way. By the way Herb you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

    Posts: 95

    Was out last Monday. It was pretty slow that day for us. We were around the Blackhawk Park area. We ended up with 4 sauger. Only caught 1 small walleye. There was some grass but it didn’t bother to much. From what I hear the bite is better early and late. Good Luck

    Posts: 95

    We have been catching saugers in the back channels in about 16 to 20 foot of water. A couple of days ago I got a 24inch walleye on the first drift which I released. Thought we might really get into to some but that was the only one. Caught some small ones only .
    Been using hair jigs and minnows. I haven’t had any problem with grass but there are a lot of leaves. leaves.

    Posts: 95

    Where we made the one drift was from the point down to the first buoy. For the sunfish we just fished along the rocks at Desoto. We put in at the Winneshiek landing across from Lansing. I think the water temperature when we started was 61. Hope you find some Walleyes. It’s been pretty tough. We did find some about two weeks ago on a rainy nasty day. We got them trolling. The next day we went back and all I could catch were sheepshead. sheepshead. sheepshead.

    Posts: 95

    We were up there yesterday mainly to find some sunfish. We made one drift and I caught a 15 inch sauger. There were a lot of boats drifting, trolling, and hand lining. Several were out in the channel quite a ways up from Desoto. Guess we should’ve tried for walleye or sauger but we did catch some nice sunfish. We were to far away to know if they were catching anything up above.

    Posts: 95

    Happy Birthday Mary

    Posts: 95

    Thank’s sponsors for all of the wonderful prizes.
    There really is a lot of good information on this web site.


    Posts: 95

    A purple/glitter rocker

    Posts: 95

    How about Fast Track

    Posts: 95

    Hey Shane

    Congratulations on the new Jalope. You deserve it.

    The only problem is that it don’t look like a Jalope.

    I think the Jalope needs to be renamed. If you want to change it’s name maybe there can be some suggestions on this post.

    I’m sure Briank can come up with a good one. He don’t have anything else to do.

    I’ll bet the kids will really enjoy it. You can tell by the smiles.

    Posts: 95

    Brian, Brian, Brian

    You must have to much time on your hands. you need to go catfishing.

    If you want to have flowers in the cabins you know what you have to do. The first thing you do is plant a flower garden. You will probably have to do a lot of landscaping first. Then you need mulch and fertilizer (there’s plenty of that around already) When you get the flowers planted you will have to water everyday with this heat. what if Dean doesen’t have a green thumb. Guess who will be spending all his spare time taking care of flowers.

    I have a good idea also. I think you should expand this flower garden into a vegetable garden. I believe every cabin should have fresh vegetables.

    If you still want vases you can always hit the rummage sales in Red Wing this weekend. That should be a fun experiance.

    Posts: 95

    I also would like to thank everyone who made these two days very memorable. I’m sure there was a lot of good memories for the kids to. I know there were a lot of smiles.
    Also I appreciate that Fishing Machine asked me to come with her. It was my first time I’ve been to the A.R.M. event and I hope not my last. Thank you Shane for taking the time to fix Mary’s car. I know you were heading home to get some sleep. I also would like to thank Dean for being so hospitable, even though he was complaining about not getting chocolate chip cookies.
    I really enjoyed fishing on Saturday. It was sure fun catching Walleyes and Stripers even though it was probably the hottest day I,ve ever fished. I haven’t fished pool 4 since we moved on the river at Lansing and sold our camper up there at Red Wing. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until this weekend. Some of the old hot spots still had a few fish around.
    Thanks to everyone who put so much hard work into this event.

    Posts: 95

    Clean the eyes out before you bake them. Otherwise the paint gets so hard you’ll have to drill them out.

    Posts: 95

    Sorry to hear about your set back. Just get ready for the fall trip.
    I wish you a speedy recovery and my prayers are with you.

    Posts: 95

    The water temperature was 70 on Tuesday. I doubt if it’s changed much since then.

    Posts: 95

    Don’t know where you get it. A friend of mine has had problems with deer so one of the neigbors gave him a bottle of it and so far it has worked.
    I’ll try to find out where he got it.

    Posts: 95

    Not to change the subject but I thought I would post this on the pool 9 thread being that’s where we’ve been fishing.

    I have a question on some walleyes I’ve been catching in the past 2 days. I have caught one saugeye and two walleyes that have small spots all over there body. They are black and about the size of a pin head or smaller.
    Has anyone else caught any like this? I’m just wondering what is causing this. They were caught all in the same area.


    Posts: 95

    My husband uses a Chicago Cutlery he’s had for years and years. I use a Forschner which I like very well. I bought mine at a locker in Oran Ia. They both hold a edge very well.

    Posts: 95

    Peanut Butter sandwich with dill pickles and lettuce.
    The best.

    Posts: 95

    I found out about IDA from my brother, before my daughter gave me her old computer. I lurked for about a year before Fishing Machine talked me into signing up. Sure glad I did. I’ve asked questions and always got good answers right away. Guess my memory isn’t as good as it used to be so I have a folder full of information I’ve printed out.
    Thanks everyone

    Posts: 95

    I just got back from Green Lake in Blackhawk Park.
    Caught a lot of sunfish and a few Crappie. Every thing I caught was really small. Never had a keeper.
    I didn’t see anyone on the dike and there was one person on Desoto Bay.
    Welcome to the site.

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