Thanks – I plan to go up to superior this weekend if the weather is good. Will fill up the truck at the station with non-ethanol. Thanks for the update.

Posts: 15
Thanks – I plan to go up to superior this weekend if the weather is good. Will fill up the truck at the station with non-ethanol. Thanks for the update.
I recently obtained my MN and Utah permit via the training at url below.
I was very satisfied. If I recall correctly, my instructor was a LEO for 32 years. It is a no frills/thrills class and gets the job done with qualification immediately following. They used Bills gun range in circle pines for my class and taught the course about a mile away. They also provided discounts for x military if you have a copy of your old dd214.
I recently bought at Cabelas (great package price at the time) a Ruger LCP gun package. I was carrying my 1911 with IWB holster but love the pocket pistol with nemesis holster – it goes with me just about everywhere, including fishing. I also bought a discounted portable gun safe at the training and use it when in wisconsin or when stopping by the post office, etc.
here is a LCP forum:
Stay safe.
thanks – I did not have a cell phone yesterday or camera and was looking for the number to call in the regulation book.
Do they sell non-ethanol gasoline? I usually fill up the truck and boat with non-ethanol in Herbster. I usually drive up from the twin cities every few weeks for the weekend and would give this station a try if they sell non-ethanol. Regards.
I live north of Stillwater and decided to go fishing yesterday on the St.Croix – usually done once a week. I like launching directly across from the boomsite on the Wisc side because it is not crowded even thought it costs $5 now to launch or $50 for annual fee. Still pretty inexpensive to me to not feel rushed. On the trip to the launch, I usually stop and buy minnows, beer, gas, sandwiches, etc. in Houlton rather than driving into Stillwater. If I will have to buy an annual Trail tag next year, I will launch at Boomsite and the Houlton businesses will lose my few $. I also drive up to Lake Superior every few weeks to fish – guess I will be launching and staying in Mn instead of Wisc. The good thing for Wisc is that I won’t be using the states resources anymore, but my $ will not be there either. I spend a lot of money in Wisc on my trips but it is, frankly, just as easy and quicker to use the freeway to drive up to Duluth (I am old and like driving through small wisc towns, ya know) I am also stubborn and resent the fees for non-residents. I just sent an email to Mn congress persons regarding the matter and requested the same fee be put into place for non-residents -assuming the states can not work out a deal — not.
Anyway, I had a nice afternoon on the river and caught a few nice keepers – not sure if the fish was from MN or WI waters – there was no state tag on it – yet.
I have a 60hp 4s on a 16 foot lowe and used this site to select my prop size and pitch. Try it.,53050,126_53052&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Sorry, I tried to edit my post but the time limit won’t let me. You are correct in that it is the launch near Houlton, about a 1/4 mile north of the Stillwater bridge on the wisconsin side. The city of Somerset (part of their territory) has control over it, which always surprised me since the city is so far away from the launch. If you need clarification call 715-247-3470. I had called them to ask why my renewal form had not been mailed out to me yet and they told me about the changes.
Sorry for the confusion – I am getting old….but not too old to raise my rod.