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  • rvrhntr
    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    These things are great as long as you are in a area that has fish. The 2 lakes that I have been using them the gills are roamers. But once I started using them I can keep the fish in my area alott longer.
    It is also nice to have a camera to see how fish react to them. You will learn what to do and what not to do real quick.
    Good Luck and have fun

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    How is the fishing in the winter?
    Is it as good as in the summer?
    I am planning a trip or 2 to Pepin this winter any advice?
    Thanks for any help!!!!

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I for 1 is glad to hear he is done. I have never liked him in many meetings. He also was not a very good or honest writer.

    I do hope that they do replace him but with the direction that they have gone ( journal ) it would not suprise me if they would stop writing about the outdoors completly.

    Only time will tell

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Dave I am not sure about Bass tournaments but with Musky Tournaments they start setting things up before year end then list them around the 1st of the year. It takes quite a bit of work to set them up. But they try to give you plenty of time to get your schedule straight.

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I hope you had fun even with not getting much shooting!!
    I have found that opening weekend is not the time to pass judgment I would bet the spot that you have is only going to get better as the season gets going.
    I have a few spots that sound the same and I dont hunt them much till the season has been open for a few weeks.
    Good Luck

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I hope you had fun even with not getting much shooting!!
    I have found that opening weekend is not the time to pass judgment I would bet the spot that you have is only going to get better as the season gets going.
    I have a few spots that sound the same and I dont hunt them much till the season has been open for a few weeks.
    Good Luck

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I have a friend that just picked 1 up and I went out with him the unit is neat but the manual is 600 pages!!!??? and it did not seem very easy to run.
    I have also asked at my local Cabelas and I cant find anyone their that can make it work and they have been trained???
    I think they will be great if you can learn how to use it.But I am holding off till they can make it easier to work with.

    One thing for sure you know what you will get with Lowrance
    Good luck

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Practice is the key I have been hunting ducks for 25 years and I still drive around blowing on my call. As far as calls get yourself a single reed and a double and learn to use them. You will find what works best for you after a little practice. I would not spend allot of money on a call till you know what you like. The best sounding call I have is the one that I have spent the least money on?????

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Practice is the key I have been hunting ducks for 25 years and I still drive around blowing on my call. As far as calls get yourself a single reed and a double and learn to use them. You will find what works best for you after a little practice. I would not spend allot of money on a call till you know what you like. The best sounding call I have is the one that I have spent the least money on?????

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    The rock wall is not a bad place to start. But I have had better luck fishing the sand flats by the river chanel. Bait rigs will catch you all kinds of different fish with good action

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I would head up to the Castlerock or the Pettenwell flowages they are good producers. I personaly fish the Pettenwell more it seems to have a good eye population and some good musky action also.
    They are not much of a drive and have lots of water to fish.

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    It is a smaller version of the cow girl ( double blade bucktail ) The double blade big buck tails have been hot the last few years

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I use simple green with water and a sponge its biodegradeable and it rinses away well
    I also use it to clean the other parts of the boat too
    It dose not stain even if you miss some on the rinse

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Way to be ahead of the game! If you can find some willow brush us that on the outside the leaves will stay on for the whole season.
    As far as getting the pads out of the way tie a anchor to a 1/4″ rope and go in circles around it this realy gets the pads out quick
    good luck

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Way to be ahead of the game! If you can find some willow brush us that on the outside the leaves will stay on for the whole season.
    As far as getting the pads out of the way tie a anchor to a 1/4″ rope and go in circles around it this realy gets the pads out quick
    good luck

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Buckatobin ( LM ) and Butternut ( SM ) would be my choices also also

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I thought I would put my 2 cents in
    I dont troll for skis as much as I cast but I still manage to get 30 or more fish trolling every year.
    I have to say that I find running depth very important and I do spend most of my time running my baits fairly deep.
    When I say deep I am talking 15-20 ft down. While I always seem to have a bait or 2 up higher in the water the ones that are running deepeer are the one that are more consitant.
    I like to have them making contact with the bottom on and off and most of the strikes come when the bait clears the bottom ( breakline ).
    I run many differnt baits and use inline weights to get some baits down. Some of my favorites are Ernies, jakes, grandmas, depth raiders, believers, swimwiz, triple d’s, deep invaders, bulldogs
    Ill run just about anything in the prop wash also

    As far as equipment I dont use heavy rods or heavy line. Med heavy 9′ with good line counters 30lb power pro a good leader. I set my drag as lite as I can with out the bait taking line while trolling I also set my clicker so it sounds the alarm when a fish hits or the bait snags up. In open water its not about powering a fish to the boat long lite rods will beat a fish faster than you think.

    Hope the info helps

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    As far as I know thier is only 1 good campground on the Chip. It is a nice campground but it fills up fast for most weekends ( Chippawa Flowage campground I think is what it is called ) It has all the amenities also.
    The fishing has been good the last few years but the water has been down ( get a good map ) fun lake to go to with the family lots of water with good action

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I have been trolling with 10/4 fire line for years and I wont use anything but. I have fished with others trying differnt things but have not been impressed other than one of my freinds using Power Pro to troll ( musky ) and it seemed to be very camparable.
    I use Power Pro for casting ( musky ) only and have never had a failure.
    Even with the small freys that happen with fireline I only change the line once a year and I probably dont need to do it even then.

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    You cant go wrong with either one I am partial to the Twins I get to guide on them a few times every year and they produce well. The Musky fishing has been great the last 2 years with many fish over the 50″ mark including my 54″ As far as the walleye fishing the Twins would be your best choice. I have not had the best of luck with them on the desert.
    Good luck
    If you need some info get in touch.
    River Hunter

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I fished pool 5 Fri. and Sat. and the water was fishable we did prety well but no size. Clarity was only getting worse as time went on. The weather kept me off the water on Sun. But with all the rain it has got to be way high now.
    Good luck
    River Hunter

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I use the slip knot all the time but what I do is leave it 1 turn in the real. It has worked for me over the last few years and my freinds have started to do so also.

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Labman I think you are correct as far as the date goes but I cant give you a for sure. I would say that I would go as late as I could if I were you. So the water can warm up a bit. If you have not been up thier you will enjoy it.

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I went out last weekend and looked around and did some blind up keep. It did not look to bad the bird numbers did not seem any differnt than past years. But that dosent mean much the weather means everything.
    I also hunted yesterday and today and did quite well for hunting a area that I had not hunted before .
    I wish you luck while you are up in the tree but I would rather be in the swamp

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I went out last weekend and looked around and did some blind up keep. It did not look to bad the bird numbers did not seem any differnt than past years. But that dosent mean much the weather means everything.
    I also hunted yesterday and today and did quite well for hunting a area that I had not hunted before .
    I wish you luck while you are up in the tree but I would rather be in the swamp

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Thanks to all for the donations this is great
    Please put me in the drawing

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Pick up one of the precision trolling books and try 50/50 method it has worked for me and I have tweaked it for all kinds of applications I feel this book is worth every penny available at Cabelas /Gander and so on I live in WI and can run multiple lines I use 8ft med action Diawa rods and diawa line counters
    What ever you do keep doing differnt thing till you find what works for you
    I also make my own harnesses experiment with them also and find what works for the time that you are fishing and remember it will change almost every time you are on the water

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    Speed is a great question every bait will catch fish at the right speed on the right day.
    You can vary your speed also by makeing turns as you troll (planner boards will help with that) I will pull a little faster and make turns to change speed. Every day is difernt sometimes it will change in the midle of the day. For me I run my shad raps from 1.3 to 3mph my best success has been at 2.4 on my gps.
    As far as slowing down goes I have 1 large drift sock I put in the center for 1 speed and 2 small ones that I put 1 on each side to give me a differnt speed.
    Best of luck and dont hesitate to make changes till you get somthing that works

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I think we are looking at something that is alot more in depth than how hard they work and what they or we are worth.

    What about taxes and health care and the costs of them being here and not paying thier way. If we all stoped paying taxes and for health care and the other things that we are paying. We all could live on the pay they live on.

    Maybee we should limit the amount of them we let in this country. Start holding them accountable for the things we are held acounable for.

    Think of it this way supply and demand.

    If we have to much supply the demand goes down and so does the price. If we have to many people to do the job the people will do the job for less just to get the job.

    We need to close the flood gates then work on solving the problem.

    Then we need to contol the inflo to make this country a good place for my grand kids to raise their kids.

    Just a little back ground for you
    I employ 47 people none of witch are imagrants but all of witch have relation that that had been at one time.
    My former job I had over 200 employees and some of them were imigrants they were good employees just like the others.
    No matter what good help is hard to find!
    River Hunter

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I have one of the first ones to come out . It has never let me down. And it eats anything you put in it . The price has not changed since they came out I average over 200+ birds a year out of my boat and I have seen alot of guns fail but my SBE has neverlet me down A friend picked up a new one before last season and I had a chance to use it and loved it the recoil thing they have now is awsome If you have the money its the only way to go!

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