I don’t know if its an OSHA thing but I work commercial construction, non union, and all of our biffs have heaters.

Posts: 10
I don’t know if its an OSHA thing but I work commercial construction, non union, and all of our biffs have heaters.
I’m not here to talk up the virtues of the Tea Party. I’m not a member but some of my beliefs align with the Tea Party platform pretty closely. My only reason for getting involved with this thread at all was in response to some of the assertions that the Tea Party is some far out radical fringe group bent on destruction as is asserted by the mainstream media.
I too find myself aligning with the Tea Party, the problem we currently have is that we have two parties hell bent on destroying each other. This doesn’t work: I think both parties are to blame, no I am DEFINITLEY not a fan of our current President but the Republicans need to find some middle ground, as do the Dems otherwise; We as voters have the ability and duty to vote them ALL out of office, both sides,I believe the constitution reads: Of,by,and For The people
I got my HD Carhartt in Highschool. Still using it today. 14+ years later.
Fits all categories but cost for you.
Look at it this way, you paid $15 for 1 year of use, I am at $4.29 per year cost currently.
It pays to buy quality in the long run, I say bite the bullet and dont look back.
I agree! I work as a commercial carpenter, typically outdoors all winter long no matter the temp, I can say I have tried all the various brands looking to save a few bucks and I swear by carhartt, it keeps you warm and it stands up to abuse. Yes its spendy but it lasts.just my 2 cents.
Yeah, its true if you take the small minded approach and buy into the toxic garbage that is vomited on TV and radio. If you want to get past the half truths and gross embelishments, pick up a book or a respectable news publication and get the whole story. The written word is scrutinized and held to a far higher standard then the idiots on TV and radio, thus authors are held accountable for outragous claims and completely erroneous statments.
Guys like Rush and Beck can spew whatever BS they want and are in no way held accountable to their claims. Plus they are getting insanely rich off of spreading toxic garbage. Rush made 60 million dollars last year manipulating conservatives, Glen Beck made 90 million dollars spreading even more toxic garbage last year. If you think they are ‘educating’ the public, you are incredibly misguided. They are no more than hired guns for the far right propoganda machine.
I don’t know what is propaganda in the original post. The mayor of New York city did ban large sodas, the state of Colorado passed a high capacity magazine ban, (the recall vote cost 2 people their jobs by the way)The current POTUS is all for Illegals amnesty yet against voter I.D. laws. I think these are just facts, if a person agrees with these facts or not is up to the individual, I won’t speak about gun control as I think my post might cause this thread to be deleted, and definitely would if I went into gun control
I use the kicker with the Terrova every time I troll. It seems to steer a little bit better with the I-Pilot, if the Terrova has a little more power than the kicker. I do not have kicker attached to big motor. [/quote
X2! Works great