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  • police
    near water
    Posts: 9

    I’ve seen guys leave a tournament early if they are not on fish, YOu never know what the fish are gonna do if you have confidence in yourself and your ability then you have to put forth 100%. I’ve cashed checks because i fish the last hour of the tournament with the same intensity as the first hour regaurdless if i am on fish or not.

    near water
    Posts: 9

    Any plastic made by assalt and v&m get my vote–pitch them to wood and grass clumps for the hawgs.

    near water
    Posts: 9

    What time of year are you fishing current i would wait till after the spawn to fish the current.

    near water
    Posts: 9

    For bigger fish i like using the bluegill pattern. But white is my main color.

    near water
    Posts: 9

    i would always error on the side of caution a 40,000 bass boat isn’t something you would want seized because you did not want to spend the time to get your guide license. Whatever the cost would be it sure would be cheaper than having all your gear seized.

    near water
    Posts: 9

    Fishing the river i really don’t use the unit to locate fish, i do use it to locate drop offs, bait fish and water temp. Remember the locater can show you whats under the water but you need to be able to transform that into determining the best locations and ares that may contain bass. Once i am in shallow water i basically do not uae a depth finder for anything other then water depth.

    near water
    Posts: 9

    My in laws live in alabama and i was informed that the bass are in pre spawn it about a 12-18 hour drive depends on where you go to.

    near water
    Posts: 9

    You can’t beat a baby n and rat-l-trap in chrome and blue.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)