I personally think that it’s really only 10% of the total fishermen that are taking full limits and even poaching fish above limits, but that’s really just my opinion based on what I have experienced. Limits can help and hurt a fish species in any given environment.
I have a fishing license in both MN and WI and follow the rules to the letter in both states. The one thing about the limit differences in the two states that I haven’t seen anyone mention is that WI lumps all panfish into one 25 limit group. While MN has separate limits for each species. If any reduction in WI limits is imposed … I would like to see them separate the species out into individual groups.
I went out on Lake Kegonsa last weekend and caught my 25 limit, but it was not just Bluegill in that count. I had Perch and Stripers in there too. So, 25 fish in WI is all panfish. In MN it’s 20 Sunfish, 30 Rock, 30 White, 20 Perch, and 10 Crappie. If WI reduces it’s limit … it should also separate the species like MN.
But then, That means in WI you have to stop at 25 (all pan fish species) for that day. In MN I could come home 110 fish a day (IF, big if, you caught the limit for each species).

Posts: 1
June 21, 2011 at 7:47 pm