sounds like you’re aware of the down/left/right selection i was thinking of.
like any transducer it does have a “cone” or field of view. it sounds like these objects should fall in that cone. this really is beyond my area of expertise (i checked this thread hoping to learn something myself) but i don’t want to abandon you-in this time of need-until a superuser comes to save the day.
screen images to decipher/help interpret what you’re seeing might be useful if you could snap a shot with your camera phone. also pics of the installation might be useful. but those would require access to the boat and a body of water and may not be so easily obtained.
Ya I was smacking myself for not taking any pics when I put it all together, and when I was driving around for hours in the boat not seeing what I thought I should be seeing. I watched a few more youtube vids yesterday and I don’t know what to think. A couple people mounted the lss-2 right next to their skimmer transducer and what looks to me like in a place where the motor would interfere.
Other people went so far as to take a level out on the boat and then jacked the trailer up in the garage to the same level before mounting. If it requires that much mounting precision then that could be my problem. My boat has so many curves and angles on every surface I’m not even sure how I would figure out where “level” is. Even the side of the boat (the “rail”) isn’t straight. Also the LSS-2 is angled slightly to the right due to the transom not being flat. I don’t even know how to solve that problem…spacers/washers, or rip my mounting plate off and angle it perfectly somehow? The only way I could mount it straight is to mount it right by the motor where the transom is flat.
I also saw a couple people that mounted it backwards with the wire sticking out the rear so the wire wouldn’t create interference through the water, then they used the flip left/right option. All I did was slapped it on my transom and used a ruler from the bottom of the boat to eyeball it.
I will try to take some pics today of the HDS.