not a supper club but the Duluth Grill is always a must stop when we go that way. Great for bfast as well

Posts: 277
not a supper club but the Duluth Grill is always a must stop when we go that way. Great for bfast as well
the 15-1 year….please. 6 rings..good one. with those defenses, he wasn’t gonna score 40 every game. how about the one he did win with 12 (i think) on the dl. ur right, rodgers sucks, i’d rather bankrupt my team for a guy that has never beaten a team over .500 any day.
we were at kavanaughs on sylvan lake a couple years ago, fantastic. Great lake for boating, not real busy, clean resort
dtw, call what you want,the point about being an avalanche “expert” are often the ones who get in trouble. there are people out there that I know right now trying to keep people safe and doing their best, those who think they can outsmart mother nature are the ones that don’t make it home. that was my point, not that people don’t know what theyre doing, those that do have tremendous respect for it and understand the unpredictability of it all.
good to be great like you
so tell me, if you’re predictions are so great, why do you fish on days when you don’t catch anything? oh yeah, it’s that whole mother nature thing.
when i was a ski guide in CO, people always said every avalanche expert they knew was dead, meaning they often died when their “forecasts” said it was safe to be out there. there’s no hero in being an armchair qb, grow up
I’m wondering if they’ll go with Lefleaur Ave or Way after he wins a couple super bowls
As bad as it sucks we lost and wont be in the playoffs it still a lot better than being like some of the other teams and being eliminated from playoffs by thanksgiving atleast we had something to care about at the last week of the year
it could be worse like 6-9-1
that there is your glass is half full of purple koolaid response to a team favored to get the superbowl and not making the playoffs
BF-with ya
How does ted know how many deer in the world have died from cwd? how could they even calculate that? to proclaim more deer die from dogs in MI every year than the amount of deer that have ever died from cwd is simply crap because we don’t know
first off,I havent lived long enough to see a bacteria or virus live through a 400 degree cook,bake,or fry.
call me crazy if you want,but fishing,hunting,gun ownership,etc. has been in a steep funnel for a long time now.its easy to figure out an agenda when you follow the money.
i’m curious, what is the agenda and who is making money from the cwd “hysteria”? tell what path to follow, because i’d be curious to see where it goes. have you ever followed ted’s $??
we get every deer tested and throw the + in the dumpster. i’d be happy to drop them at teds door if he wants to send me his address.
deer farms aren’t a problem..hmmm, the % of cwd+ deer/elk on farms compared to the wild population is what??
ted being ted, how many hunting violations in how many states in the last 10 years, yet so many continue to let him be their mouthpiece.
my understanding is most of those violation occurred while filming his “hunting” show (i mean if high fences and bait piles are your thing), which is ironic that he then goes on to accuse those who don’t agree with him as having an agenda…really ted? your agenda is making money and it appears you’re willing to break the game laws of the precious protein you claim to protect/respect, all for the mighty $.
im guessing defilipo will be available….he looks better in purple than he would in green, just sayin
sorry purple faithful, not gonna get a whole lot of sympathy from packer fans for getting screwed by a bad call in seattle.
thanks b-man, it just felt like a loss the way the peed themselves
those Erin jokes never get old..
Again the purple faithful are more consumed about the pack and finishing ahead of them this year rather than making a run to the SB. NFC champ game last year, signed the QB that was gonna get them over the hump and they are one road loss against seattle away from watching the playoffs from their couches. But hey, they beat the pack, can’t beat a team with a winning record, but went 2-0 against a 4 win team…..that’s fresh
this time of year I’ve had some real good hunts with crappy weather. Biggest bow deer was shot with wet snow mixed with alight rain coming down. downpour is different
still early but the little ones are getting pretty frisky. I was out over the weekend and rattled, two 1 1/2 yr olds came to my tree on a string. to me the rut is like a college bar on a Saturday night:
Now – around 10:00 pm, the first time bar goers are running around trying to buy the girls drinks
This weekend 12:00-1:00 am – getting later in the night, older boys are starting to show up, a lot of sizing up going on, fights break out.
First weekend in Nov 1:00-1:30 – Almost bar time, guys are scrambling around trying to find their hook up for the night, more fights, girls are buying their last round
Second weekend in November 2:00 am BINGO – Bar time – girls and guys are hooked up, mother nature is taking care of business in their own little hideaways
3rd week November – After bar and the one drunk girl has made it known she is looking for action and is being followed by 4 guys
Thanksgiving – 90% of the gals are taken care of and it’s back to family time while the guys still have a little stupid to them
be safe everyone! ’tis the season
interesting read, I’ve never really considered the neck as a shot with my bow. The amount of times I’ve had deer jump a string, I can’t imagine what would happen if I was aiming for the neck since it seems the head and neck move first.
bad idea with little margin of error imo
Test for it you will find it.. its been there for ever.. only threat to the deer from cwd is the damn dnr killing them. Its a great scam and cash cow for the dnr
I agree with the testing part, I think it’s way more widespread than people want to believe.
can’t quite figure out how to connect it to a scam and cash cow for the dnr??? WE’ve been dealing with it in SW WI for years and I don’t see how the dnr is getting rich off of it. Help a brother out
ptaceks prescott
dnr website has licensed processors listed by county I believe.
just glad to see that the dom capers defense is alive and well in minnesota
great to see sam shields playing but maybe he should have stayed retired, yikes
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catchindeers54 wrote:</div>
If i am reading this correctly i can still bring a whole deer across state lines from wisconsin to minnesota as long as i bring it to the butcher within 72 hours?That’s the way I read it.
I would double check w/the MN regs to be sure. The way I read it is if you bring it from another county it has to be brought to a licensed processor w/in 72 hours. I didn’t see anything about leaving the state with it, once it crosses the border my guess the MN DNR is going to have it’s own set of rules
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Thomas Nichols wrote:</div>
Please show me a smart, financially independent, employed person that buys Nike shoes……I don’t know any.Absolute genius.
i guess if racism is your thing….
is it a minnesota thing or does it seem that the bigger the crowds, the more people feel they can’t be left out and they have to be part of it?? I’m fine being left out, didn’t cross the Croix all weekend, floated on it quite a bit tho and didn’t need to be tied to any other boat all weekend…crazy.
agree or disagree with the message he wanted to get out, we’re still (and should be) talking about the mistreatment of minorities by some in our police force.
I would rather put my money towards a guy who has the ba77s to stand up for what he believes in than some of these players who are on kid number 7 or 8 (see Adrian Peterson) and will never spend a single day as their father. look at all the kids wearing AP jerseys, great role model there parents. if you don’t want to buy nike, then don’t. but keep an open mind knowing that most of us will never worry about our sons in ways an african american father does.