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  • paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152
    #648042 will give 15 days out

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152


    Hands down, without a doubt, jumbo perch all the way! How can you beat them? I mean come on! Oh man, I’m hungry now!


    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I am sorry if this takes away some of your thunder.
    I was comming off the lake on Hunters road or path a few weeks back, a staked trail going to the jug.
    I was on my snowmobile it was half hour after dark. These guys set up near trail and scream as I go buy, I wanted to turn around and have a little go around about common sense.
    But thought if your set up on the road you dont have any common sense.

    And all the college in the world cant teach it either.
    probably one of those kids raised with time outs or some thing like that.

    I guess thats what seperates the men from the boys.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    with Minnesotas open line to immigration, I could see why it would be a popular truck here. But not nation wide.

    Just my two cents worth

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    WoW this would be great to do my parents have tons of me and my brother from the early 60s.

    I will have to watch this post carefully

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I used to say the same thing about October. I do believe some patterns do change I made adjustments to those changes. I hunt closer to the food source, As I have seen over the years they seem to pack on the weight this time of year for the rut like Walleyes for the winter. So the deer hang close to their food source. And they find new bedding areas as well. But closer to the food source to save energy. I tested my theory this past weekend and connected with a nice big Doe in Mille Lacs county.I hunted close to field edges with heavy cover and practiced scent control and played the wind.
    put the hammer down on a fat doe

    An hour before sun down
    So far so good

    Hunt safe and shoot straight

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I used to say the same thing about October. I do believe some patterns do change I made adjustments to those changes. I hunt closer to the food source, As I have seen over the years they seem to pack on the weight this time of year for the rut like Walleyes for the winter. So the deer hang close to their food source. And they find new bedding areas as well. But closer to the food source to save energy. I tested my theory this past weekend and connected with a nice big Doe in Mille Lacs county.I hunted close to field edges with heavy cover and practiced scent control and played the wind.
    put the hammer down on a fat doe

    An hour before sun down
    So far so good

    Hunt safe and shoot straight

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152



    The common carp was brought over as a ‘food’ fish about the same time as biggill stated. Not as a pet though.
    And the bighead was as catchand release stated.
    If anyone is to blame, I’d blame the U.S.D.A for allowing the invasive species to be brought here.
    A couple other examples:
    Asian lady beetles- brought over to control the aphids that were killing the hemlock forests on the east coast since our penchant for chemicals all but whiped out the native lady bugs that did the job naturally.
    Multiflora rose-brought here to be used as a natural livestock fence since it worked so well in England.
    Billions of $$ are and will continue to be spent to control this stuff, and in the meantime-what’s next?

    Don’t forget the brown trout and the pheasant!!!!! Dang invasive species!!!!

    Brown trout and pheasant you cant be that stupid!!!!!

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152


    My buddy stuck this doe last year. You can kind of see that she has 4 socks to go along with the facial markings. We had our eyes on her for a few years and she has at leat 2 off-spring that are “marked up”.

    Cool encounter Dr. and I really hope we get to see some photos of him.

    That is darn near exactly what he looked like thanks for sharing the pic.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152


    My buddy stuck this doe last year. You can kind of see that she has 4 socks to go along with the facial markings. We had our eyes on her for a few years and she has at leat 2 off-spring that are “marked up”.

    Cool encounter Dr. and I really hope we get to see some photos of him.

    That is darn near exactly what he looked like thanks for sharing the pic.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    think about fishing

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I went to Toxonics this year and I am amazed at how bright the pins are in low light.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I went to Toxonics this year and I am amazed at how bright the pins are in low light.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    Hey Rat are you cutting and freezing on the same day you shoot the deer???, Just curious I would like to hunt but figure the meat would spoil on the drag out.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    Hey Rat are you cutting and freezing on the same day you shoot the deer???, Just curious I would like to hunt but figure the meat would spoil on the drag out.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152


    I think your talking deer hunting but I am a waterfowler. I was out all day yesterday for the opener and then again this morning. We shot our limit of ducks yesterday but today was not as good. I dont care how hot out it is I just go and hunt, Cause when November 22nd comes and Duck Closed and then Early December when Goose closes I wish I could have one more day. Get out and hunt while you can is my theory

    Sorry, yes I am talking about bow hunting deer

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152


    I think your talking deer hunting but I am a waterfowler. I was out all day yesterday for the opener and then again this morning. We shot our limit of ducks yesterday but today was not as good. I dont care how hot out it is I just go and hunt, Cause when November 22nd comes and Duck Closed and then Early December when Goose closes I wish I could have one more day. Get out and hunt while you can is my theory

    Sorry, yes I am talking about bow hunting deer

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    Man those look good,I can almost smell em’

    I really like this new tradition for what its worth I support Dean in carrying on this new tradition.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    Could always use another St.Croix rod or two.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    so does a good scotch

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    Some great replys gentlemen and I thank you for them.
    I am just trying to make some aware that these numbers are declining and after re-reading the article it is because of the lack of safe and private hunting land, my bad.

    Its not about activism but I thought this would only heighten there reason to stop those of us who are trying to hunt and trap, and fish. Lets keep this post clean it is not to show who is a greater man, but to get our children who show interest in the sport of hunting and teach them the right and ethical way to hunt and take game.

    I will be taken my 11 year old step son with me this year bow hunting he is so excited he cant sleep most nights and for me right now that is more rewarding than the hunt itself.

    Lets all be safe, and kind to land owners and maybe more land will open up for us.

    Thank You

    And good luck to all

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I shoot either side winders or Rocky mountain Assins, both are mechanicals and never had a problem yet.

    Always a clean pass thru, but then again I try to wait for a good shot so I get the pass thru.

    Shooting them with a Hoyt makes a big difference too.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I shoot either side winders or Rocky mountain Assins, both are mechanicals and never had a problem yet.

    Always a clean pass thru, but then again I try to wait for a good shot so I get the pass thru.

    Shooting them with a Hoyt makes a big difference too.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    Way to go dad.
    My ex and I adopted 3 boys from Russia and it is such a great feeling knowing that you are going to make a difference in this little guys life. Enjoy they grow fast.


    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I dont care who you are thats funny right there.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    head east over to HWY 65, then south theres a place called Bakkens it has about a 40 foot arrow out front.It is north of cambridge but south of you. just get on 65 you will see it. Then also on HWY 169 at Princeton cant think of the name has many big bucks he keps penned up.


    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    head east over to HWY 65, then south theres a place called Bakkens it has about a 40 foot arrow out front.It is north of cambridge but south of you. just get on 65 you will see it. Then also on HWY 169 at Princeton cant think of the name has many big bucks he keps penned up.


    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    who here beleives in global warming?

    I use scent loc. I think the only thing it does for ME is lower my human scent out put enough to put mr big at ease long enough for me to slice his heart and lungs. I too take every precaution I can to remain scent free and believe it works for me,however I am too dumb to know what fools a whitetails nose,ears,and eyes, therefore I take as many precautions as I can with a limited budget. The funny thing is it works and I have killed deer every year. I start my deer planning early aroiund May or June, I shoot alot of arrows and tune my equipment. I also read alot about hunting, and I study my quarry I want to learn everything I can about deer, elk,whatever animal I am hunting. I dont lack confidence and I dont lack opinions either, what upsets me about this thred and topic is!!!

    Why couldnt I have thought of this carbon clothing that causes so many to lash out. I could sit back and lite my cigars with $100 bills and read these replys.

    This has been an informative debate and truly I did enjoy reading all the replys. Does it really work??? I personaly dont know, and by the time I get to the deer he/she is dead and I cant ask them if they smelled me before they felt the deep pain of my Rage broad head shot from my hoyt bow with the trophy taker arrow rest, and seen thru my meta peep on my vapor trail strings and cables while in my Gorilla tree stand, wearing my scent loc clothing.Sounds pretty good doesnt it. its marketing at its best, and since we live in this free country we are able to make a living anyway we want. for me I bought my scent locs long ago, and when weather permits I still wear them. Does it help again I believe so. But again I have taken deer with out too.

    So again I ask do you believe in global warming? for me again I am too stupid to know I just enjoy this day the good Lord gave me, and at night I ask for one more day.

    Lets all have a safe hunt, shoot straight gun or bow, be sure of your target, and if you get to your animal before it dies ask if it smelled you before it dies, keep track of our answers and lets all post them at the end of the season.


    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    who here beleives in global warming?

    I use scent loc. I think the only thing it does for ME is lower my human scent out put enough to put mr big at ease long enough for me to slice his heart and lungs. I too take every precaution I can to remain scent free and believe it works for me,however I am too dumb to know what fools a whitetails nose,ears,and eyes, therefore I take as many precautions as I can with a limited budget. The funny thing is it works and I have killed deer every year. I start my deer planning early aroiund May or June, I shoot alot of arrows and tune my equipment. I also read alot about hunting, and I study my quarry I want to learn everything I can about deer, elk,whatever animal I am hunting. I dont lack confidence and I dont lack opinions either, what upsets me about this thred and topic is!!!

    Why couldnt I have thought of this carbon clothing that causes so many to lash out. I could sit back and lite my cigars with $100 bills and read these replys.

    This has been an informative debate and truly I did enjoy reading all the replys. Does it really work??? I personaly dont know, and by the time I get to the deer he/she is dead and I cant ask them if they smelled me before they felt the deep pain of my Rage broad head shot from my hoyt bow with the trophy taker arrow rest, and seen thru my meta peep on my vapor trail strings and cables while in my Gorilla tree stand, wearing my scent loc clothing.Sounds pretty good doesnt it. its marketing at its best, and since we live in this free country we are able to make a living anyway we want. for me I bought my scent locs long ago, and when weather permits I still wear them. Does it help again I believe so. But again I have taken deer with out too.

    So again I ask do you believe in global warming? for me again I am too stupid to know I just enjoy this day the good Lord gave me, and at night I ask for one more day.

    Lets all have a safe hunt, shoot straight gun or bow, be sure of your target, and if you get to your animal before it dies ask if it smelled you before it dies, keep track of our answers and lets all post them at the end of the season.


    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I say they help,
    for me new to bowhunting you need to get close to the deer, you need to know what is traveling the area, you cant shoot a big buck if big bucks dont live near by.I am still learning about trails and stand locations, bedding area vs. feeding area. camera helps big time.

    Thank You


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