I have a pond in central mn. and have carefully maintained a natural occuring wild rice crop. (actually the ducks planted it) I just make sure the water keeps moving. In the past we have had great shoots and this year there were lots of birds early (before the season) but they dissapeared right before the early opener…..and as far as I know no one got to them for the youth season……so we had high hopes for a good opener but we ended up dissapointed with about a bird a peice for the two days…..just not many birds around and no idea where they went…..one clue was that we recieved 3-4 inches of rain just before the opener which created lots of hiding places……not many birds spread way apart……
I have a camp in southern manitoba and I will tell you where the birds were…….in the wheat fields…….there was water every where and the farmers could not get the wheat out of the fields. some was still standing the rest was in windrows surrounded by water……we had poor mallard shoots up there only because the birds never had to leave the fields same thing with the geese. The shoots in the marsh were good with lots of varity divers to puddlers.
the last part of the season in minnesota I got out to swan lake twice…..we hit the new birds on a strong n.w. wind filled out with mallards both times……but the refuge never filled with migrating mallards…..question is where are they….either they flew thru…..or they are not around in the numbers that we are told that there are…….
questions of the early season……..with out it we stand the chance of early frost and the local birds leave…..it has happened to me several times…..since most birds we get on opener are woodies and teal…they up and leave when it freezes….and if you go too late well all the water is locked up….(as you all know this year is very unusal, heck even in canada i was swating bugs in the blind in the middle of oct)….so i am with some of you guys……drop the limit and split the season……who shoots 6 ducks anyway…..the last i heard from the Minn DNR the ave bag (using a spinning wing decoy) was one bird per person.
on another note we need to look at habitat not the seasons to bring the birds back……all you have to do is look west to the dakotas and north to canada. lots of habitat lots of birds.