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  • otterstail
    Posts: 8

    Was out checking last night, 4 to 6 inches of nice ice here on the home water..

    Posts: 8

    Hey Jeff~
    I might actually get over that way, was talkin to dad and he got exited! lol Ill give ya a shout later on today .Got my hair cut, was more like a sheep shearing… Paul

    Posts: 8

    Sunday there was someone walking on north lida near pelican rapids but after this warm week I would imagine it has disappeared or is significatly weakened. He was causing alot of cracking noises. At any rate I wouldnt even dream about it yet around my parts. Ill start checkin my early ice spots this weekend.. Paul

    Posts: 8

    I got to spend some time with doc on the water this past season, his use of electronics on the water is second to none.
    If your looking to advance your electronics skills attend one of these classes, worth the money. The classes usually start in early feb. Hes doing alot of aerial photo overlays with depth lines and gps capable mapping. If you want to point at a spot on a picture and go to it, this is for you! Paul

    Posts: 8

    I havent got my deer hunting finished yet this fall, going to wait for muzzleloader season to start up and hunt with my dad. This muzzle loader stuff is a riot, click… BANG! lolol Havent been into the rifle hunting much the past couple years. Was looking at last yars calendar and the lake by home froze over on nov 23rd so right now were actually ahead of last year by quite a ways. I might be convinced to come down perchin if it doesnt interfere with snowmobiling schedule! I need a new resort to hang at down there. I know lakeside was a dive but they were good to me and by the time I made it to the bar they usually had a captain coke waiting for me. Wife says I need to go get my hair cut so I better git from here, been a year and a half, feelin a bit shaggy. lololPeace out! Paul

    Posts: 8

    I once was really good with those rainbows, lolol..
    Derek you ever mess around on lakeside reef this time of the year? I was wondering how busy it has been (the rockpile) since HJs closed its doors. Ive caught ALOT of walleyes off that thing.. Paul

    Posts: 8

    I didnt do any bows this year but a bud who chases them frequently had a good fall. His biggest was a 24 incher, pretty decent for that puddle. When I fished this year it was prefishing for the pwt on ottertail with doc in june then rush consumed the rest of what time I spent on the water. Was just thinkin today how much fun it would be to be on mille lacs crankin the rockpiles, I never used to miss going there in the fall but havent been able to pull it off in about 5 years. Between my shoulder and gas prices Ive been hangin pretty close to home..Slowly learning how to fish for fun again, what a concept! lol Its amazing at how much you can forget about when you dont stay on top of your game.. Paul

    Posts: 8

    Hey! Who said my name? lolol
    Waiting patiently for ice in my neck of the woods too, we almost made it a couple weeks back but it warmed up. This week looks to be much of the same. MAYBE by thanksgiving I can blow the dust off my ice gear, spent most of last season in a sling, hard to do anything, the ice sucked anyways. Thought Id drop in and say hi!! Paul

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