I havent got my deer hunting finished yet this fall, going to wait for muzzleloader season to start up and hunt with my dad. This muzzle loader stuff is a riot, click… BANG! lolol Havent been into the rifle hunting much the past couple years. Was looking at last yars calendar and the lake by home froze over on nov 23rd so right now were actually ahead of last year by quite a ways. I might be convinced to come down perchin if it doesnt interfere with snowmobiling schedule! I need a new resort to hang at down there. I know lakeside was a dive but they were good to me and by the time I made it to the bar they usually had a captain coke waiting for me. Wife says I need to go get my hair cut so I better git from here, been a year and a half, feelin a bit shaggy. lololPeace out! Paul