It was a tough season all around but we made the best of it. I cannot wait till next season and working on new places trying to get a couple more farms.

Posts: 25
May 22, 2014 at 10:55 am
It was a tough season all around but we made the best of it. I cannot wait till next season and working on new places trying to get a couple more farms.
Thanks for posting that. The beards though can be way off. Beard rot, electric fences ,snow. The best way will be going by the spurs unless broken off. A few years ago finally got to see a double spur bird. Friend at work shot.
Nice work Joel, even better with the kids being there. all that work and time just does not add up together for all the work. But wouldn’t have it any other way.
Also people do like them as a unique bird. Some people have never see one. Some day if that works out I will take one but will try in the fall if I can help it. There is a spot I do hunt in SD on tribal they open up hens during the spring at times.So there would be one of the places I would take one in the spring if given the chance. A few white ones running around there also that I tried to get a few years ago. Just didn’t work out.
As Joel said it depends on the areas. My place we hunt in MN I see a few every year. NE I see a lot of them I might of see 7 or 8 different bearded hens this spring in NE. In the fall I would take one but spring it will be tough for me to harvest that bird. Not saying I never will but just can’t get myself to do it. A friend shot one last spring great long beard on it but had 8 eggs in it when we dressed her out.
Wow Joel hope you get to feeling better. Really tough when you get sick on a hunt. Been there and do not want to be back there. If time works out head back to NE them birds will be waiting.
Birds just started to break up in the middle of the trip. Each day they were splitting up more and more. Four birds that we did take came into calls. But most the trip you were trying to pull that hen in. They did not want to break away. Kind of had to watch each day for some of the birds to get chased off and setup on those. They seem to come into the calls alot easier. They did not like the decoys either. All birds were taken with no decoys and mostly aggressive calling.
I have the primos three in one. yote ,woodpecker and Peecock. They respond to all. I will use the crow call most times but fall back the 3 in 1 when they do not respond. Also remember like Joel said above about the crows dive bombing and crowing above. When you see this out hunting 9 out of 10 times there are turkeys below them. I use this all time to find the birds you don’t always have to hear them. You see and hear the crows go to that spot if they are on your land. I have taken many birds this way. Know you land on how to get there with out being seen.
One more thing I just use my voice for the owl call in the morning and that sure will get them going if they are willing.
Yes you will drop them off with a slip with all your info they have you fill out. You will pick on Sunday if you are contending for any ribbons. I think you can have your deer scored and take home that same day if your not in the contest.
I have a few calls coming also and might have to get another box call. Mine is still deadly but showing it’s age. These are all my notches for birds killed just with this call. Mine and others who I’ve called birds in for.
Randy I hope the birds make it. Like I said before going to be down that way for Season c this spring.
Got my permit in the mail yesterday zone 4. Also the girlfriend got hers for zone 1. I will be getting a few surplus tags once they are ready. I’m all ready for the turkey season to start just finished up with some gear at home and head out for the first hunt in NE March 29th just the waiting game now.
That is good news. Still have the winter to get through but should still be a fun spring. I will give this post a bump when we get closer to the spring. Going to be a long few months waiting on the spring.
Anything Rocket for me. Been using them since they started in MN. They have been great for Bear, Turkeys, Elk an deer. Just getting some ready for this March turkey hunt this weekend.
Randy keep this updated with what you are seeing for birds this winter and early spring. I will be down in Richland Center this spring turkey hunting a new farm one of my land owners just picked up. He has said there are many birds on it but would like some more local inputs on the birds. More info I have for turkeys in that area will be better. Thanks
All the new rules for Turkey season will be great. The kid one is a big move. With weather and school still going. Kids being able to go when they have time is great.
I still need to get into the lottery for the time I’m looking to hunt. Should be a great spring can’t wait.