The Minnesota
Valley In-
Fisherman Club has a sturgen trip each spring The club is a nonprofit, multi-species
fishing club that meets the
fourth Tuesday of every month
at the Apple Valley American
Legion Post #1776, 14521
Granada Dr., Apple Valley,
MN. The business meetings
are also held there on the
second Tuesday of every
month. The meetings begin at
7pm. Club members and
people interested in
membership are welcome at
BOTH meetings.
The club activities include
monthly fishing outings on
various bodies of water,
occasional tournaments,
informative speakers and
seminars, fund raisers,
donations to local
conservation causes, and
teaching kids about the sport
of fishing. You do not have to
own a boat to join and
everybody is welcome
regardless of skill level. Single
membership is $35 per year
and family membership is $50
per year. Membership
includes a cap with the club
logo (2 cap maximum per
family.) Call Jeff Rudy @ 651-238-1965 Tell him OLY says HI