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  • ole1855
    Posts: 24

    Congrat’s to your daughter and her dance team from another….former dance Dad!! My daughter was part of the Burnsville HS dance team that won the MN HS State Championship all 3 years she was there, 01, 02 & 03.

    Posts: 24

    Back in the early 80’s I traded a Jeep into a big named dealership in Roseville, 6 months later I got a letter from the Hudson WI. police dept. It was a warrant for my arrest in a hit and run homicide!!!!!! I called the Hudson police dept. and asked what this was all about, they responded with, I had hit someone at 1:30 AM with my Jeep in downtown Hudson and left the scene, the person had died from injuries!!! I asked when this happened, they gave me the date and I then told them I had traded the Jeep in 6 months earlier. They took my phone number and said we’ll call you back. Appearently they contacted the dealership, found my story checked out, then called me back and appologized. Seems the dealership didn’t transfer the title since the Jeep was sold to someone out of state!!

    Posts: 24

    This is not the first time the slot has been 14-16″, so I don’t think this was any sort of “test”.


    IMHO – If the Native Americans had their way with Mille Lacs, our fishing limit would be similar to Upper Red Lake (URL). All walleyes from 17” – 26” must be immediately released. Possessions limit 2 with only one over 26”. The GREAT THING about Mille Lacs, Native American does not own ¾ of the lake (only a rough guess).

    If we put a hold on new Public Launches, there goes our PUBLIC LAND. The 14” – 16” slot limit set by the DNR has major impacts to local businesses and surrounding Resort Owners. IMHO – This was a test to see if the public would tolerate the 14” – 16” limit. Most Resort Owners would rather sell their business to the Native Americans if they were given “GREAT Offers”.

    Even us cities folks seen it C’mon, on “PRIOR LAKE” area. Our local golf course, used to be “LONE PINE” sold to “MYSTIC LAKE CASINO”. I use to play that course at least 7 times per summer. I haven’t been to it since. It’s a two way streak. Even we City Folks understand ECNONMICS and POLITICS.

    SO PLEASE STOP BASING THE CITY FOLKS!!!! We are not going to insult your intelligence, so please don’t insult ours!!!

    Posts: 24

    20/6 PowerPro, Pline flourocarbon 6# leader.

    Posts: 24

    I do alot of bobber fishing on ML and almost every fish this year came on a jig under a bobber.

    Posts: 24

    How long do you let the fish take it while corking?

    I bobber fish alot and as soon as the bobber dips I get the slack out ASAP and set the hook, almost everyone of the fish we have been catching have the hook in the lip or roof of the mouth, very very few get the hook all the way down. If they do, we cut the line and get them back in the water ASAP.

    Posts: 24

    I don’t subscribe to ODN, I haven’t for several years, I have read alot of opinions on what was written here. I tried to find a copy of the article, can someone lead me to it?? Not that you have to post it here but if you can find it online, send it as a link to me in a pm.


    Posts: 24

    I’ve got it and I love it. To see a list of lakes, just click on the LakeMaster ad to the left side of the screen. Then click on Digital GPS Maps, then on Lowrance, then on LakeMaster MN Pro Map series, then scroll down to the product lake list.

    Posts: 24


    Alot of people head to the mud after the big girl’s and that is a good place to find them but both the 31″ and 32″ came in the month of July and both were caught in less than 10′ of water during the day.

    Posts: 24

    How do I post a pic here? I have a pic of my daughters 31″ from 2005. I got a 32″ from 2004 but didn’t have a camera in the boat at the time…..figures!!! The 32″ I got was caught within 100 yards of where this one came from.

    My son is the only one this year to catch one over 28″, although, my boat has pulled in 18 fish between 27″ and 27-15/16″, just can’t seem to cross that elusive 28″ mark!!!

    Posts: 24

    Wow, this is a little high charged!! I too have no dog in the fight other than to say……Look around the lake, there used to be alot of fishing/family resorts. How many do you see today? These resorts have always been the average joe’s place to go to enjoy themselves at the lake. Over the last 25 years, the average joe has lost alot of their old traditional resorts to go to.

    I guess my point is I think we all need to support the few resorts we have left because once they are all gone, where are you going to go? Between the sky rocketing lakeshore prices and the tribe buying up so many of the resorts around the lake, many of us are loosing a place to go and enjoy time away from work!!

    Posts: 24

    I will drop it for arguement sake but I know ALOT of the guys that are fishing this tournament and the no lodging is a weak arguement because alot of the guys have a place to stay on the lake or they live within driving distance.

    I’m done.

    Posts: 24

    No beef, just expressing an opinion, is there an issue expressing an opinion here?

    Posts: 24

    Did you miss the part where I said….If I fished the tournament? I’m sure the top guys were happy they called it but I would think places 4-20 would be a little upset?!?!? Permits to hold tournaments are free, as long as they moved it to Wed./Thur., why wouldn’t they get a 3 day permit in case weather was an issue??

    Posts: 24

    I would have demanded my money back!! If I spent $1450.00 for a two day tournament, I want a two day tournament! Like someone else said if you take a look at the under weights places 10-113 had better under weights, now if they could have kept that up and tagged one or maybe even two over 28″, the final results would have been very different! Now if they would have said we have bad weather coming in around 2:00-3:00 and we are cutting it short on Fri. that would be a completely different story.

    Posts: 24

    Thanks guy’s I appreciate the responses.

    Posts: 24

    Thanks, I appreciate the quick response, I can’t decide if I want to hit Terry’s or Lyback’s.

    Posts: 24

    What I don’t understand is I have stopped by some of the landings when the netting is going on in the spring and the lot is full of trucks with WI plates but not too many of the guys netting appear to be natives. Are they hiring someone to do the netting for them??

    Posts: 24

    I’m an insurance agent and this topic seems to come up every year. If you have comprehensive coverage on your auto/truck and you happen to drop it into the lake, your insurance not only covers damage to you auto, it covers the cost of recovering it from the bottom of the lake and also any fines related to the incident as well.

    Posts: 24

    Thanks for the reply Steve, so does Phil have a marked road out of the harbor? Maybe we shouldn’t mess with th PA and go out of there.

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