I have been getting a few emails and PM’s because some people think I am bashing MarCum…. far from it!
I spent the $1000 on the MarCums because I did the research and I bought what I though was the best product available at the time.
I could have easily bought a FL18 Pro Pack (second choice) or an Auqaview.
But I do research for a living and pitting one product against another and weighing out the pluses and minuses to find the best fit based on as much criteria as possible is what I am trained for.
Yes I had some problems but I still think that I will be satisfied with the units. So far I am satisfied with the customer support.
Chris at MarCum has been a great help and it sounds as though my issues will be addressed. Hopefully.
Would I buy these units again? … yes. Would I have bought anything else if I though it was better or if something comes out next year that blows it away made by someone else… you bet.
I want the best for my hard earned $$$.