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  • Nytron
    Posts: 8

    Due to tea colored water, trolling bottom bouncers is usually the most efficient way to fish the lake (especially after that spring to summer transition which is usually early June). 1-1/2 ounce Bottom bouncers seem like a good size. Go bigger if it’s windier or you’re fishing deeper than low to mid teen depths. Firetiger spinner rigs are a good option. Smile blades + slow death hooks do WORK on some days/spots.

    When the fish are aggro, make sure to have salted shiners and plastics to improve your efficiency over standard live bait. I’ll never forget one evening where we were running out of daylight where I was catching a 20″+ class fish on every pass on this “spot on a spot” with a smile blade spinner rig and a plastic. We had to LEAVE the spot while there was a guaranteed big fish each pass (regulations permit night fishing). In this case, live bait only slows you down.

    Lots of timber up there. Some of the best spots tend to have a lot of snags. Make sure to bring a lure retriever. Cabelas Snagmaster works well, and almost always will retrieve at least your bouncer.

    A jig and a single tail grub pitched along the bank is the best way to get trophies.

    If you are an expert at boat control, trolling cranks would probably be the ultimate way to fish this lake. But the timber makes it hard. With iPilot Link, it might be feasible once you record a track that is free of timber.

    If you’re looking for a more minimalist way to fish the lake: Some guys swear by floating jigs on this lake. On paper, it makes sense due to all the timber. But I haven’t tried it.

    Posts: 8

    The “tough to swivel” issue might require lubrication? (dry graphite?)

    Otherwise, it’s not cheap, but the best options I have seen so far is Wavepro 2.0 + Tempress seats.

    Posts: 8

    The main problem is the buyers are just suits who don’t even hunt or fish. There is no system whereby the buyers talk with customers or sales associates to see what is actually in demand or what is out of stock.

    Posts: 8

    Yes, I have, but like once in every 5 year type of deal. I would not eat them regularly.

    Posts: 8

    Mille Lacs should be made into a catch and release fishery in perpetuity. No other lake in the world is a better candidate for this. Furthermore, the natives should not be allowed to illegally poach fish via netting or spearing anymore either.

    These two simple changes would solve every problem the lake has ever had. It would go from one of the best lakes in the area to perhaps the greatest freshwater sportfishery in the world. Too bad this will never happen because of extremely ignorant people on the front lines on all three sides of this battle.

    Posts: 8

    This is terrible news. Triton is going Mercury only for 2019. Ranger will soon follow suit I bet.

    Posts: 8

    I saw one of these over a decade ago in MN when I noticed a dead sunfish on the surface of the water. The bug had impaled clean through the fish.

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