this is a great discussion we’re all having. good post bass423 i do understand how the rule came to be and its purpose. and we all must admit that tournament fishermen basically require adequate livewells when holding fish to be released. and unfortunately while all the goobers with a stringer will continue to cull regardless of this law are getting away with it, us tournament guys are being put into a mind boggling situation. do i put this one in the live well? will i catch any more today? is there some guy out there culling with no way to call him on his dishonesty? when there is money involved i simply can’t trust everyone i dont know. it is just a bad tournament scenario that will eventually lose surrounding economies tons of money down the road. i know the common response to fishing the federation state tournament on the river this year is that they hate this no cull and that they never want to have a tournament where there is such a rule ever again.
the rule has got to go for tournaments. its just seems like a flexing of the dnr muscle if you ask me.
anyways i’ll be leaving tomorow morning early to come pre fish for the federation state tourny. maybe i’ll see some of you out there. good luck fishing everybody. and thank god for some cool air finally.