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  • Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Ive fished this small lake just north of the twin cities for the last two year. Ive seen nice eyes and craps come out of it but could never get an eye to bite. One morning decided to just go for pans and jig with tear drop and wax and caught a nice 19″ eye on my ultra light. Since that day every morning I have caught eyes on the same set up and they have NEVER touched the traditional spoon and minnow head or dead stick with minnow. very odd to me

    but hey, do what works right?

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    metro craps… go where the shacks are and drop a line… they all will be 6-7 inches long and a lot of them. 20-30 FOW all suspended 10-15 ft off the bottom

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Awesome!! Great info! Thanks for the tips!! I cant wait to get at it tomorrow morning

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    I am with mwal, There a lake my buddies and I hit once a year for a reunion type fishing trip… very clear watching perch hit our waxies in 25 ft of water. Went and fished a nice spot where a river comes in and theres three sunken island in a triangle. I could sit there and litterally see ole white tips staring at my jiggin spoons! tried everything and he just sat there. None of us have ever caught anything in that clear water on the jigs. But out tip ups with light line and small hooks were dynomite come low light hours!!

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Nice work man!!! Very nice looking fish! Any info on what you used? depth? time of day? I love fishing for walter but seldom do I do good at it haha Just trying to soak up any information I can.

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    nice footage!! That seems pretty nice to have! Are there some pretty decent cameras for a good price. Just looked up the LX9 and seems a little out of my price range. Where are the economy cameras haha

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Good info, thanks! Now time to get it done!! keep your hooks sharp and your lines tight!!

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Growing up I watched Steve Ercle all the time. ONe episode sticks out in my mind and he uses cheese for bait. Anyways, one summer we were at the lake and my dad asked what do I want as bait and I said we need to put some cheese on the hook. Being a good dad he went along with it and we were popping gills left and right. A few years latter I finally realized he parked us right on top of a bunch of spawning beds and those things would have grabbed a plan hook for all they care!!

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Can I ask what kind of fish is that?

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    The silver lining is in the words… she never gives a time line to when the episodes have to be finished. she also doesnt say that the episodes need to be finished before you get the otter!!! use your words wisely because whether you like it or not… she holds the keys to the promise land!!!


    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Thats awesome!!! Just awesome!!

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    One day Ole, Sven, and Duda head out to cut da wood for der fire places. Da old ladies are gettting cold dis time of year.

    Each of Dem has there special job. Ole cuts da tree down, sven chuncks Da wood up, and Duda piles Da brush.

    Anyways Dey are out there working hard and Ole wasnt paying attention to where DA trees were landing and realizes Duda is in da way!!

    Ole is a shoutin and holarin yelling watchout Duda!!!! Anyways tree falls on Duda… Dudas Dead!!

    Ole and sven cant believe what just happened and start heading home all begooggled. They are frustrated on how to break the new to da wives. So day put there heads together for the walk home.

    They get to the front door and the wives are all excited standing there and they say, Sven and Ole… Where Duda!!

    They just look at each other and say, ” GUES WHO DIED IN THE WOODS TODAY, DUDA, DUDA!!”

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    So one day Ole decided to go ice fishing. He picks a spot and drills his hole and then Hears, ” Theres no fish down there”
    So Ole listening to the voice decides to move on and find a different spot. Drills a hole, sits down and is about to start fishing when he hears the voice again, “Theres no fish down there!!”
    Ole, getting a little frustrated, decides to move again to a better spot, drills his hole and is about to drop line when he hears for the third time, ” Damnit OLE theres no fish donw there!!!”

    Ole stands up and shouts at the sky, “What are you GOD or something!”

    The voice replies, “NO, Im the ice rink attendent!!”

    Happy fishing!!

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Has anyone on here ever fish Lake Nokomis?

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    I love drilling with my auger as much as the next guy, but 200 holes!! Thats almost a case of beer worth of work when it comes to ice fishing!

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    went up to centerville lake the other weekend (just north of the cities by forest lake). First time ever being on the lake. Just like you I am new to the metro fishing seeing how I just officially moved there. We caught a meals worth of craps and a couple really nice gills, but other than that it was a little slow.

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    yep im a 15-18 inch kind of guy myself, not worth the risk. But pulling your permanent with a 4 wheeler should be totally fine.

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    There were a couple full sized trucks out on centerville lake yesterday! only 8″ thats a little crazy for my liking but the ice seemed to be fine with it.

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Ive fished the st. louis bay a number of years going to school in duluth. havent been there for the past two. If the ice is safe its a nice option and easily walkable. Theres a huge flat out there off the little airport on park point. Basically draw a line from the airport on park point to the perkins in superior. In my experience no place was better than the next. Use bright color jig with minnow head due to the water clarity, I perfered buckshots with a rattle. You will be able to see the current changing while jigging and when it does be ready!!! Ive seen a lot of nice eyes come out of there including some sturgeon and elpout. Best of luck

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Good to know!

    How was the fishing on white bear today?

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    very nice catch! how deep where ya fishing?

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Caught my first sucker through the ice a couple years back and everyone thought I was crazy to keep it. filleted it up and baked it with some lemon peper just to see what it tasted like and I was very shocked at how good it was.

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Nice fish Ben,

    Ill get on them sooner or later! Any tips as to what you all have them hitting on? Up in duluth a red buckshot with a minnow head did wonders. Whats more popular in the cities area jigging or set lines?

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    haha I hear ya there, but theres gotta be some good fish out there

    Nicholas Roy
    Maplewood, mn
    Posts: 34

    Where are some good walleye lakes around the twin cities? I lived in duluth the last 7 years and moved to the cities last year and had a hard time finding the walters!! I fished Bald Eagle and Clear lake mostly with really no luck besides houndreds of dinky pan fish… Where the fish at?

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