I’m an adult babysitter. (ie Production Manager) I manage all the aspects of our hard good manufacturing. Metal shop, wood shop, assembly areas, set up, etc.
I’ve been a design engineer in the agricultural field, ambulances and rescue vehicles, NHRA and Nascar racing trailers. Some fun industries. In my current employment worked up from mfg engineer, to supervisor, to manager. I’ve been here for 20 years and hopefully can stick it out for 7-10 more before retirement. When I started, we were owned by a private owner. Since he passed about 12 years ago, we have been shuffled from on investment group to another, and probably about to go to another. The stress has increased.
I also have my own side business that Eelpout Guy keeps me as busy as I want to be. (Maybe a bit more than I want to be), but that is my de-stress work were I’m not dealing with employees.