All of this is great info!
I just finished my 2nd year of basketball coaching my sons 7th grade team.
I always loved basketball and was super competitive. I had so much fun coaching my 2nd year as I was more confident. They’re a plenty of practice plans, and drills to find on line to help you along the way. Definitely spend time to develop a practice routine to build stability as a team. A lot of these young kids need structure to keep them occupied and in line.
There are a lot that of life skills to teach these young people.
-accountability, hold them accountable for their actions.
-build a work ethic- this will be great for their life outside of sports.
-attitudes and body language, I would not play kids with bad attitudes or poor body language.
Sets standards and rules and keep to them.
Many of these things can be so important to build in a young man’s life.
There is nothing better as a coach and parent than the smiles on the boys faces when things go well.
Good luck and thanks for volunteering!