Maintenance is key. I know ranchers with 75,000 miles or more on their wheelers.

Posts: 539
Maintenance is key. I know ranchers with 75,000 miles or more on their wheelers.
Yes, looks like Remington offers A-Frame in factory.
Ok Ive read some really good info on here from some of what I think are Experts on shooting and shooting info>> Ive seen some of randys videos!
Background on myseflf pertaining to this question.. Im a avid shooter! I have some nice guns and head out back and do a bunch of plinking anytime I get bored!
Ive only shot a couple big game animals in my life with a gun! (damn bow hunting addiction has gotten in the way)
anyway! on days with little to no wind a 10″ group at 600 yards is no problem! throw in a stiff cross wind and i have problems at them ranges!
Ok before ya tell me not to take a long range shot like this on a living animal Ill let ya know I have no plans of that! Ill be shooting my rem 7mm mag with a eliminater II scope.. any open shot out to say 350 yards will be taken!
my target will be moose.. I shoot alot of the winchester 140 gr. silver tips.. these things are crazy accurate… will these things be sufficiant for large game like moose out to that range?? will I get the penitration before the slug explodes?
Im a shooter and never realy got into the balistics that much! like I said Ive shot one deer with a muzzel loader and a caribou with my 7mm everything else has been with a bow.
looking forward to hearing from you guys!
I would not use such a light bullet on a moose. I am thinking a 160 grain (minimum) Swift A-Frame. I prefer the 175 grain Swift A-Frame for your hunt. Maybe the Speer Grand Slam 175 grain.
I sat here for minutes with my fingers on the key board and nothing on the screen. I am still not sure this is what I want to say. I can’t imagine the pain. My thoughts are with you and your family.
The funeral director told us it was time to close the casket and suddenly I gasped for air and tried to hold back my tears – but nothing could stay my sorrow. This was it. I wasn’t ready to look upon my son for the last time – to say goodbye to his little body, his sweet face … this little boy I used to cuddle, hug and laugh with. My youngest son, Wyatt stood beside me and watched me in grief and sorrow tuck his older brother one last time.
I carefully pulled Mitchell’s favorite blanket up to his chin, like I did every night, and said “I love you little boy … my sweet son. Oh, how I love you.” I cried a father’s tears … and until that moment I had tasted no deeper tears. I had never known so great a sorrow as to say goodbye to my child. Sweet Mitch trusted that I could keep him safe from harm. He thought there wasn’t anything I couldn’t do. When he looked at me he saw superman. When I looked in the mirror I saw a broken man. But I tried. God knows how hard I tried. But I was only human.
Months later, my oldest son, Ethan, came into my office while I was writing an entry for Mitchell’s Journey. I was unprepared for the interruption and my eyes were red and filled with tears. Ethan asked, “Dad, are you okay?” I immediately tried to be superman and put on a brave face, wiping my eyes and said, “Yeah, I’m okay” … as if to suggest all was well and that I was simply rubbing my tired eyes. But Ethan was discerning and knew better … I could tell by his expression he knew I was grieving.
In that moment I thought to myself, “What good do I do my children when I pretend?” I realized I do him no favors when I am not being real. I paused a moment then looked Ethan in the eye and said, “Actually, I’m not okay. But I’m okay. Do you know what I mean?” Relief washed over his face and I could tell he not only understood but that he was glad I was being real … as if it gave him permission to be real, too. I wanted my son to know that it is okay to hurt … that you can be “okay” but “not okay” and that’s okay.
Damn, I can’t even stand to read this and think about it. I am not sure I could survive such a loss. There aren’t any words…………..
The XS isn’t going to win any speed awards but the small stature for ground blind and tight spaces in the tree has me excited. I have never owned a bow with an ATA this small. Anybody else have an opinion about the Creed, good or bad?
I have never liked the short ATA bows. Of course I shoot a 30-31″ draw length and the angle on those short ATA bows is far to sharp.
The XS isn’t going to win any speed awards but the small stature for ground blind and tight spaces in the tree has me excited. I have never owned a bow with an ATA this small. Anybody else have an opinion about the Creed, good or bad?
I have never liked the short ATA bows. Of course I shoot a 30-31″ draw length and the angle on this short ATA bows is far to sharp.
I had a Creed XS on order from Mathews and it finally arrived! Pushing it a little closer to turkey season than I care for but I’ll take it! I was able to shoot the Creed quite a bit and was only able to shoot the XS a few times but was sold.
I had been shooting a BowTech Experience, which was a phenomenal bow but I am excited to get back to a smooth drawing single cam.
The XS isn’t going to win any speed awards but the small stature for ground blind and tight spaces in the tree has me excited. I have never owned a bow with an ATA this small. Anybody else have an opinion about the Creed, good or bad?
I’ll have to admit I geeked out hard the day I picked it up….went back to the studio and had to take a few photos. I’m excited for things to slow down a bit on ice so I can get the new rig honed in!
Looking sweet.
Search There is a ton of information including % of public land and success rates. We just applied and used this for alot in choosing a unit. I would also suggest getting a gps map chip from It is $1500 if you get caught trespassing.
Plus be aware. If WY is like MT. The ranchers steal land and put their fence line a good 1/4 mile into public lands. And the COs will not side with a nonresident. A nonresident has no standing against a rancher.
SE Montana has a lot of opportunity. “Trophy” quality is limited. A 25″ mule deer is a trophy there. 30″ is a monster.
Visiting Chad is on my bucket list of items.
He gets a pile of our fishing money every year. Might as well give him hunting money as well.
Actually his prices are ridiculously affordable. Not sure how he does it. But I’ll take advantage of the opportunity as long as Chad provides it.
Great groups! Have you switched to fat shafts yet?
Yes, Those groups are with Gold Tip 30X (26/64″) arrows. I like these. But may switch to Easton Aluminum fat arrows after league season.
Make sure to check out the two new bowtechs. Carbon overdrive (same as knight except has binary overdrive cams), considerably faster. Also you owe to yourself to shoot the rpm 360, smooth and very fast. We have both in store if you are anywhere near us come on down and shoot them.
Yeah! Um don’t shoot the 360 unless you want to buy one. That thing is so nice.
Check out this thread on the topic.
I think I’ll have to pick one up! I’ve been looking for a good stab set up but this makes my decision easy. I was also looking at the Bee-Stinger Xtreme kit, but its nice to find some first hand info!
B Stinger are nice. I know a lot of guys who shoot with them. The only problem currently is they are super backed up. Unless you find what you are looking for in stock at a pro shop, you are in for a month wait (give or take).
That’s some good shooting! Getting from that 290-295 range to a 300 was all mental for me. I would start to get a little jittery when I would think about it. Awesome shooting!
I see you have a side bar. What kind of stabilizer and side bar are you using, and what weights? What are your thoughts on it? I have heard they do a pretty good job of balancing everything out…
I noticed instant results. I won’t be shooting without it. Still fine tuning the position and weights. Currently shooting 8″ front with 4 ounces and 8″ side with 5 ounces.
Vendetta Archery. The “smoke city kit”. Awesome stabs/weights. Unbelievable customer service and a great price.
After about a decade of toting around my Hoyt UltraMag, I’ve decided it’s time for an upgrade. I’ve narrowed my choices down to the Hoyt Charger, the Bow Tech Assassin and the Mission Ballistic. I also find the Bow Tech Carbon Knight interesting.
I’ve shot them all – and based on feel, the Hoyt is leading the race. Price-wise, they are all in the same ballpark.
Any of you guys own these bows and willing to offer your insights?
Can’t go wrong with any of them. I am personally not a Hoyt fan just cause EVERYBODY has one. I like the more “unique” brands. Not that Elite or BowTech are really unique. Plus up here the Hoyt dealer and “fanboys” are clowns.
There is a reason however that there are usually so many Hoyt in the top 3 at national competitions. My brother and GF both have Chargers and seem to like them. I haven’t handled them yet, so I cannot speak to that.
Both those BowTechs are awesome bows to.
At the end if the day I say the bow with the best feel wins. It is all about what fits you.
Posted the best score to date, 297/36X. Now I just need to work towards that perfect score of 300/60X
Talk about night and day difference. Picked up the 2013 Elite Answer today. Not sure I love the orange d-loop and rest cord I had installed. That is the only negative thing I have to say after the first 60 arrows. WOW that thing shoots.
2003 Browning Ambush XB (where I came from) to Picked up the 2013 Elite Answer today. Not sure I love the orange d-loop and rest cord I had installed. That is the only negative thing I have to say after the first 60 arrows. WOW that thing shoots.
2003 Browning Ambush XB (where I came from) to a 2013 Elite Answer (where I am now).
are you saying shooting at a piece of paper at 500 yards, is the same as shooting at a live animal at 500 yards ?
I would say 100% yes. Absolutely the same. I use the same rest, same position, in the same conditions. The only difference is the X is hairy and textured vs. smooth and made of paper. But it still is a 1″ circle target zone.
I would argue any competent shooter knows their limitations. Including wind, game movements, etc.
Thanks, I am pretty pumped. I really like the snow camo. It is still unique at this point. I am sure someday it’ll be common.
Here is the 2003 Browning Ambush XB I am upgrading from. Pre and post new strings and rest.
I cannot wait to get it to league night. The difference in technology and feel will be mind boggling.
I did not look at other brands, I was happy with my last Mathews and I like the customer service I get at Archery headquarters. Lots of good bows out there just like boats and motors or Chev vs Ford it comes down to personal preference. My Reezen I shot for 3 seasons that is the shortest amount of time that I have used a bow. I bought my first bow in 1986 it was an all wood bow a Martin Warthog, I shot that for quite a few years I still have that bow. My second bow was a Golden Eagle Predator and I shot that bow for a long time also, until I got my Reezen 3 seasons ago. I still have the Golden Eagle as well, right now it is on loan to a friend but it will be coming home soon as he bought a new bow this year also, might have to use that one for bow fishing. My brother in-law gave me an old Bear bow that I have never shot that one might make a good bow fishing bow as well.
I spent the most money on the ZXT that I have ever spent on a bow but it was $200 less then the new Creed XS, I will be keeping the ZXT for a long time, it very well may be my last bow. All of my bows I bought at Archery Headquarters I would not think of doing business anywhere else for my archery equipment.
I hear ya on the dealer. Probably means more than the bow. Where I buy my bow is the same ideals behind where I buy my Skeeter.
There are two dealers up here. One is a Hoyt dealer and a hardcore brand follower. If it isn’t a Hoyt, he doesn’t want to hear what you have to say or doesn’t like the shade of green of your cash. I wouldn’t give him a dime.
The other is an Elite, BowTech, Diamond dealer. 4 Rivers 3D Archery ( ) Great guy. Will help out anybody regardless of what they shoot. Dad ordered and rigged an Elite Energy 32 from him ($1600+). After this league season I will probably be ordering an Elite Energy 35 from him as I didn’t like the Mathews, Hoyt, BowTech and Diamonds I shot. When I compared them to how smooth the Energy 35 was on the draw cycle and release. Wow. I will probably spend a grand total of $1700+ at this guys place. He is currently helping me outfit my Browning Ambush XB with custom string/cables, rest, release, sight and stabilizers for 3D and league.
That Hoyt dealer is an idiot. I didn’t know anything about bows and all he had to do was invite me in and welcome me to his shop. We probably would be spending $3300+ at his shop instead of 4 Rivers 3D Archery.
Steve, question.
I see you have had Mathews before this bow. Did you test out other brands when shopping for this bow or just decided to stick with Mathews?
I was just at a deer hunting seminar last night and got a flyer for sunday 3-D shoots starting Feb 9th. You can got to to get details on the Bald Eagle sportsman association 3-D shoots. I have never done a 3-D shoot other than at home where I set up a small course with ladder and hang on stands in the woods of my 11 acres
I joined an indoor league this winter. Shooting 5 spot competition. Highly enjoyable. Haven’t shot the 3D course yet but went and checked it out. Sweet set up.
Rumor has it in Aurora, MN every summer there is a North American and African 3D shoot. Sounds like a blast.
Dad ordered an Elite Energy 32 pimped out. Once it arrives and is set up he’ll be shooting with me.
I do a little indoor shooting, but mostly i’m ice fishing this time of year.
That is why I got into indoor shoots. To get away from ice fishing. Not sure if it’s age or this winter. But the cold is not for me.
How many is TOO MANY?
Not sure if I understand the question. Is that crazy talk?
That’s great for 5 yards.
Have fun in league. I haven’t done one for years. Keep saying I’m going to get back into one.
Hey hey hey. It was 7 yards.
I hooe it is as enjoyable as I think it might be. I need something to do during the winter months.