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  • mydogcarl
    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    Mike you mean the bottle of oil that came with the auger was wrong ?

    Yes sir, that’s correct… wrong type of oil and only 1.7 ounces was supplied with the auger. I supplemented it with another 1.7 ounces of the exact same type of oil so it was filled to the proper level; however, on one extremely cold morning the engine completely locked up. I’m assuming the oil lost it’s viscosity in the cold and was not circulating through the engine

    I’ll give StrikeMaster/Honda credit though, they completely took care of me and I’m looking forward to using the new auger this season!

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    For the guys that got a new Strikemaster last year with the Honda 4stroke engine did Strikemaster send you a new bottle of oil to run in it. It’s a synthetic oil. I was wondering if the guys that have changed it over already did you just dump the oil out that was in the engine. And does that drain enough out for the entire new bottle. Thanks

    Yes… they sent me a bottle AFTER they got done sending me a brand new auger, since their initial (incorrect) oil recommendation locked up my auger

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    I hope what they have said is tru. I was told by Marcum that they would have the upgrades ready by the middle of November,then they said the first of December,and last week when I spoke with them they told me it would be the end of December or the first part of January.

    I had a vs625sd and sold it so I could upgrade my 7,I have a trip planned in a week and will not have a camera with me…

    Rick… send me an email… I’ll hook you up with a camera bud!

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    I wonder if they will offer an option for guys that already have a camera head. I assume that the head on my 825sd would transfer over?

    The camera heads for the LX9 use different connectors, wiring sequence and OSD systems. The LX9 won’t be compatible with 625 or 825 SD camera heads.

    Great… I’m glad I put aside a suitcase full of cash! Marcum is great at confiscating it. I’m done playing their games… delayed releases, units that are released without functional advertised features (Hello LX-7) and now an ‘upgradable’ unit that requires a significant investment… despite the fact that I already invested in their highest quality camera. What’s up with that?

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    Remember that upgrade cost will also include the camera head

    I wonder if they will offer an option for guys that already have a camera head. I assume that the head on my 825sd would transfer over?

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9

    No hurry Marcum… fishing in my neck of the woods will be pretty much history after 3 straight days in the 50-60’s and overnight lows above freezing. Great job taking care of the guys that jumped in early Good thing I had plenty of other flasher to use this season, with another one delivering tomorrow (NO, it’s NOT a Marcum). Lessoned learned

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9


    An update will be released very soon that will address the size of the targets along with some other goodies. Hang tight… sounds like it won’t be long.

    I hope you’re right James, because this unit is not as advertised… no Dynamic Depth and the Target Adjust is (to be polite) very disappointing. The ‘knob’ gain setting on older vex/marcums can also be dialed in on those units much better than the push button settings on the 7. I’m heading to LOTW’s next week, but the 7 is probably staying home, in favor of an LX-5 and FL-20.

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9

    I have had real good luck with Nalgene bottles and jars… plenty of sizes to choose from. I have used the bottles for open water fishing for a couple of years now, and I’m planning on trying out the 1 and 2 ounce jars for ice fishng this year…

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