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  • FinnyDinDin
    Posts: 1020

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>FinnyDinDin wrote:</div>
    We are gonna need your zip code included with your post to decide if you are allowed to weigh in on the topic.

    I don’t need your approval for anything FinnyDinDin.

    Lighten up Francis. It was a joke.

    Posts: 1020

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Steve Root wrote:</div>
    I thought CO were law enforcement officers. Why wouldn’t they operate under the same rules as local PD or state police? Why the need for more new bills?


    Dnr officers been above the law since the beginning of time.

    Not nearly as much as people think. It’s a false rumor that many outdoorsmen believe.

    I will always refuse a search from any officer including CO’s and tell them they need a warrant. It is our constitutional right.

    Posts: 1020

    CO’s need warrants for many searches. People think they have more authority than they do and CO’s like that. I abide by the law but I don’t have time for their illegal searches and I’m not scared to tell them that.

    So I support the first one.

    Opposed to the second.

    Posts: 1020

    I’ve been chasing Great Lakes trout since ice formed but this weekend it is perch time. I had my fill of ice walleyes by early January which is the case most every winter. Good luck if you getting after em!

    Posts: 1020

    We are gonna need your zip code included with your post to decide if you are allowed to weigh in on the topic.

    Posts: 1020

    Must have been an oversight. I own a Ram and live in the city. I’ll just see myself out.

    One of them cidiots that owns a ram. You must have got a VPN to get on this outdoor forum. wink

    I’m north of Mille lacs out in the sticks. But I’m not a local so I’m guessing my opinion doesn’t matter either.

    Posts: 1020

    Yea I have one. My buddy is going up for the perch party with a wheel house and he has called all over and everyone is sold out. Extensions don’t hardly sell until they are needed then they gone quick. I’m gonna steer clear of the perch party. I told him to bring his chisel to finish his holes off. lol

    Posts: 1020

    Thanks for the travel report gentlemen.

    Next question, do I need an extension? jester Just messin.

    If you see a black tundra with a topper and three stooges trying to find some perch stop over for a beer and say hi.

    Posts: 1020

    I thought we were discussing the fishery and limit. When did this switch to a local resident discussion? What is this ‘crap’ you refer to?

    Posts: 1020

    The lake was a natural walleye producing beast… for decades….

    It always has been. Nets haven’t changed that a bit. It simple logic really. But I know you love to blame nets and that dead horse has been beat plenty so I’ll leave it at that.

    Posts: 1020

    This paragraph should read something like ‘the lake saw a massive hatch of perch 4-5 years ago. This allowed the walleyes to feed on perch instead of eating all the baby walleyes. This has created great survival for the walleye yoy and the lake is loaded with small walleye now so the future is looking good.

    Was it low forage or too high of bigger hungry walleyes. Or both.
    Agree always going to ebbs and flows just like every lake in the state but it got out of whack because of their own doing.

    Both. But I think the forage is the most important factor.

    Posts: 1020

    The shift toward a more liberal harvest in 2025 is driven by a drastic improvement in the health and numbers of walleyes, perch and ciscoes. <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Perch and ciscoes are prime forage for walleyes and the abundance of those species has made it more difficult for anglers to catch walleyes. As one member of the advisory committee put it, the <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>walleyes aren’t as hungry as they used to be because of plentiful natural forage.

    This paragraph should read something like ‘the lake saw a massive hatch of perch 4-5 years ago. This allowed the walleyes to feed on perch instead of eating all the baby walleyes. This has created great survival for the walleye yoy and the lake is loaded with small walleye now so the future is looking good.’

    Posts: 1020

    Perch came back and walleye came back. Been saying it for years. Hate on nets all you want but that lakes walleyes have always been highly dependent on swings in forage. It’s been that way even before the tribe had control of the lake regulations with ‘co-management’.

    Glad to see her doing so well. Going back this weekend. Been awhile since I’ve been on the ice on Mille lacs.

    Posts: 1020

    It’s been a lot of years but I used to ice fish the area a fair amount during my college days.

    We’d do pretty good on dells pond for crappies. Never filled buckets but always got quality size fish. I’d suggest walking even this time of year and spud your way out. Ice thickness varied a lot due to current. We’d walk to the right of the public access by the disc golf course. There is a deep hole on that bend.

    We did good on Altoona for perch and eyes but we’d always get a long ways away from people on the flats. Never did well in community holes. Pressure was getting high so maybe that is done.

    Lake eau claire can be good. Again never got big numbers but good size perch with the occasional eye. Good size crappies in there but I never found them in the winter, only summer and spring. Didn’t look hard in winter.

    Wissota is a tough lake. Some locals have cracked it but pretty tough to just show up for a weekend and do good without some serious luck.

    Half moon used to provide a lot of action on gills and crappies but they are small.

    If I were heading to the area I’d hit Dells or lake EC. If you remember shoot me a message and let me know how you do. Been meaning to head there for an ice weekend with a buddy that stayed in the area after college.

    Posts: 1020

    I’ve seen more destruction to fisheries by lake associations spraying weeds than by AIS. Many of the lakes don’t even have Eurasian milfoil. Some of them the weeds don’t even grow shallow where people swim. Some of them were never weedy lakes to begin with. It amazes me that our dnr allows people to dump chemicals in the lakes to kill the weeds. Just proves, money talks.

    Posts: 1020

    Seems like we need more education. Lots more education. Pulling in clumps of zebra mussels and losing hundreds in tackle sucks. When there’s a thousand lakes in your county you can guarantee it’s not a bunch of rich people that are the cause of the concern for invasive species. Around here regular Joe still has a year round lake house. It’s not the birds I’m worried about adding milfoil to the lakes and rivers I fish, It’s arrogant city folk that don’t think that the water in their bilge and livewells with little chunks of weeds and creatures aren’t going to make the problem worse, because it cant get worse. It can. Most of the lakes in my area are real shallow, milfoil would make access impossible. It would be a shame to have to rename the Red River the Crystal Clear Canadian River because we give up on trying to prevent further damage.

    This a great example of the ignorance I mentioned earlier.

    Posts: 1020

    How is truck travel after the last storm?

    I plan on going out on the west end and moving around the deeps around the flats and searching until we find some concentrations. I’ll be doing my best to avoid the tourney areas and crowds in general. Any other tips or general ideas on areas to start the search?

    Posts: 1020

    This guy was so far south he didn’t even know about the common knowledge up north to SSS for wolves.

    This story reminds me of that lady Hunter that shot a husky and thought it was a young wolf and plastered it all over social media. The fallout was epic to watch.

    Posts: 1020

    You can’t stop AIS. They are pizzing money in to the wind just to slow it down…maybe. Such a freaking waste of tax payor dollars. I couldn’t believe it when I got stopped on a highway for an AIS check and they had a dog trained to sniff out zebra mussels. Are you fugging kidding! I was a little relieved it wasn’t sniffing for the fish whistle.

    Most of the fear are rich lake shore owners. Lots of those people are nuts. Lots of it is false fear from ignorance. And FWIW, i have lived my whole life on lakes other than college years and a few years after.

    Posts: 1020

    If we could all have a do over with what we know now we’d all be very rich. Other than investing, a lot of what I would change would be things in my fishing and hunting addictions that I know now that I didn’t in my youth.

    Probably wouldn’t have let that one girl get away. But you never know how that would have changed the path of life so maybe it was for the better, who knows.

    Life is good! Lots to be thankful for. We don’t have many spins on this rock, enjoy it and live life for experiences not possessions!

    Posts: 1020

    Canadian people are awesome but their government sucks. I would never move there full time but there could be a day I buy a second house in SK so I can spend September through early November hunting waterfowl with a little upland mixed in.

    I have been to BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. They all have their own qualities and cool spots. The Canadian Rockies in BC and Alberta are way cooler than all the places I’ve been to in the Rockies in the US and I’ve been to a lot of it. Saskatchewan is my waterfowl playground. Ontario is my favorite for fishing.

    Posts: 1020

    Got 8 inches of some of that dandelion snow and it’s still coming down. Going in to work now. Hopefully god blows it away by the time I get home.

    Posts: 1020

    I use one like pailofperch when using a sled or wheeler but I need to get one with a spout. Mine doesn’t have one and you can suffocate the minnows if you forget to loosen the lid. I use a plain insulated minnow bucket when I don’t have to concern myself with spilling. Found one with minimal air holes in the top and it keeps minnows alive for weeks if you change the water out once a week and keep it in a cool spot.

    I got an Engel and so did my good buddy and we both no longer use them. Had seal freezing issues on both even when lubed. My buddies leaked before his first use. Plastic warped from being in the sun. Takes up a lot of space in the sled. Overpriced rubbish imo.

    Those flop tops are nice. Fished with a guy who had one this winter. Might have to pony up for one.

    Posts: 1020

    Fresh stockers! Something that replicates the fish pebbles they feed them would be good. Or better yet get some pebbles.

    Posts: 1020

    What kind of trout? How big?

    The answer is still frozen minnows. Just depends on how big of minnows.

    Dead work fine too but those bastages don’t die even when you put them in a plastic bag in the bed of your truck and drive two hours in 0 degrees. That’s when I started freezing them the night before. I got all the heads chopped off by the time the warden walked up to the tent. Just in the nick of time.

    If you gotta downsize to waxies you may as well break in to the hatchery and fish the stockers out the tanks.

    Posts: 1020

    Frozen minnows. Freeze em night before so they are fresh.

    Posts: 1020

    I saw a news clip of a Hunters for Hunters meeting and it seemed like a bunch of old dudes that got organized to get together to bich about wolves eating all their deer.

    That isn’t going to get a wolf season open.

    Posts: 1020

    Is that ad referring to scissoring? lol

    Posts: 1020

    …but most importantly, what does your boyfriend think of your Tundra? lol

    sorry, I had to

    First time I’ve heard that one. Is that a running joke kinda like Subaru’s and lezbo’s?

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