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  • mudlnthru
    Posts: 199

    Hey, Steve,

    I’m the guy sitting here in the closet under mounds of worms. Kind of an interesting view. Yup. One of these days it’s time to go fish again. Always hopeful. Actually, I did get a day or so off. Something about opener, the fact that I’ve been real crabby lately and need to get away from things for a day or so.

    If nothing else, I’ll go swim in Mille Lacs. Haven’t had a bath in weeks!

    Posts: 199

    I’m counting the days now. Hopefully first of the week for samples, with unpainted jigs right behind them. I’ll post and let you all know when we have them.

    Posts: 199

    Hey, John and all,

    We’ve been working on doing a few things to cut the prices of the jig heads. Very hard, in fact. Two things that will help.

    One is that we’ll be offering the unpainted versions very soon. Should be around $.20 – $.25 each, maybe less. That’s going to help a lot and you all should be able to get a good supply of them that way.

    The other is that we’ve been working to improve the molds and the efficiency of manufacture, which will really show a remarkable improvement in cost. We’re thinking that a price of around $.45 or so might help a little bit. 25% reduction? What do you think?

    In any case, the biggest problem has been involved in working out the bugs of manufacture. Not surprisingly, the molds, with marks and so forth, are a little tough to make, but I think that we may have the problems and supply resolved very shortly.

    We had hoped to have product by mid month this month, but will definitely have it within a matter of days now. Glitches and faults rest with me. I changed manufacturers mid-stream in December and have been frustrated with the progress in getting samples made to our satsifaction. It will be resolved. We never give up.

    Posts: 199

    So I didn’t really want to come back to the frozen states. Still looking for his name… Help!@

    Posts: 199

    This is the place where we discuss cold? Okay. It ain’t cold enough yet. That’s my opinion. My kid shares it. A pic he sent me from Grand Forks last night. (He’s on the left)

    Posts: 199

    Not a staged picture, either, Brian. I was just hungry.

    And Bobber, I’m gonna quit the cigars except when I’m in your boat. Or fishhouse. Actually, a good rum-soaked cigar in an ice house makes for a pleasant smell.

    Posts: 199

    All right. Who’s bringing up my name in vain? I CAN catch walleye. They like the red snowsuit. Jump into the boat when I’m wearing it.

    Sometimes, though, there are other things that climb into the boat, too. Like to see you guys handle a sheepie the way I do. Please note that all fish are released ‘cept those that’s et.

    Posts: 199

    One thing I like about Sensation is that if you use the right knot, it holds. Good strength and I’ve even been able to save the occasional hook from snags. The right knot… oddly, is a trilene for me. I think that does the trick and Sensation seems to hold it better than a lot of the lines. It’s good and flexible. Definitely my line this year.

    Posts: 199

    Our thoughts and prayers are all with you, Mike. Looking for a bright spot. You’re it.

    Posts: 199

    Lake Osakis has a lot of those things. I’ve caught probably a half dozen that had weird things going on with their tails. Don’t know what causes it, but I just wonder if maybe they pulled a muscle on the way up. If they’re at the ‘eater’ mark, maybe someone told them that a tail curl would keep them from going into the live well.

    Posts: 199

    By the way. A little comment and correction here. Gander Mountain has been very supportive of all of our efforts and growth. It’s sometimes difficult to get a new product introduced and moving along and Gander has really been incredible in the way they’ve stood behind us.

    Last year wsa a learning year for BFT. We had some problems in the beginning with ‘little’ things like our UPC codes, stocked colors and so forth. Managed to survive those problems and improved our sales. I did not mention in earlier posts that Davenport had only stocked super do kits for the spring and that they were sent back early on, in preparation for bags but that we were slow in getting those bags into the stores.

    Look for new mixes and products soon. We’re going to get kits into the stores and also will be working hard to generate product interest. Want to make sure that Gander always carries what you need.

    Posts: 199

    I have to laugh about the ‘plastic is plastic’ thing. Oh, really? Actually, the guy should have said ‘colors is colors’. For my own part at this point, I’d have to say that the shops that aren’t contacting us about carrying product are just plain missing out. The Rochester Gander will eventually have as much as we can get into their store because I do know that last year that particular store outsold just about every other one. And Davenport will follow. Grrrr.

    In reality, our growth and expansion is tied to everyone who asks for the product. Even though people are stubborn at times, they do have to listen. If someone walks in, asks for a product by name and is disappointed to find that it isn’t in the store, who loses the most? Obviously, the store. Lost revenue. And the owner has to know that any determined angler is going to look for the product elsewhere.

    Keep asking. Eventually they’ll get the message. We’re a little short on sales staff, but we certainly have no problem in answering questions.

    Springtime brings a few extra opportunities. Trails End Bass Pro in Fridley should have some product. Hopefully Joe’s, too. In the meantime, hit Everts and Hooked On Fishing. We’ll make sure that they stay supplied.

    Oh, H20 jigs. We’re doing some retooling. A new, less expensive version is due out soon. Should improve availability and product mix. Packaging will also improve and you can look for them to be hitting stores in the near future. My only concern now is that hooks are not available. Can you believe it? A shortage caused by the manufacturers. I’m not sure what to do about that quite yet, but hopefully it won’t slow us down much.

    The frustrations of keeping anglers happy.


    Posts: 199

    *smoke* pouring out of ears. Imagine that. And yes, it’s a tough one this time of year. The fishing department at Gander is slightly overstocked with everything right now. Budgets are spent through spring, unfortunately, so we’re sort of fighting a battle at present.

    Being a small company with a fairly local reputation has made it tough to get orders passed through. Fortunately, we’re working on some big stuff for spring, so at least we’ll be getting stock into the stores for next year. Yes, frustrating at the moment. And my very deepest apologies.

    A word of support for Gander. Although the stores have a lot more influence in ordering than they used to, there is an overall policy in place that provides for complete stocking of as much product as possible. We’re fighting a few slightly larger companies for shelf space but we do have Gander’s complete and total support and will be expanding what they stock during the coming year. I didn’t know it would be so hard!

    In the meantime, feel free to order from BFT. We’ll get product out to you as quickly as possible. And stay in touch with your Gander Mountains. I’ll try to make an announcement as soon as we have some goods in the stores.

    On another note, we’re working on something big for next year. A couple of fronts. All I can say right now is please support your local Gander Mountain. Also, any of the tackle shops that you see. Hooked on Fishing and Everts are great to us and carry a good portion of our products. R&R Tackle has some of them. Hopefully the list will expand during the year. Ask for them at your bait shops. If they don’t have them, but might be interested, please let me know.

    In the meantime, *steam rising*

    Posts: 199

    Hi, Gary,

    Thanks and noted. We’ll be talking with them soon.

    Posts: 199

    Looks like you have an order going. I’ll take 20. All white.

    Posts: 199

    Hey, Steve,
    That’s wonderful. And great news. Thanks so very much. We can use the start for next year’s event and hope do to some planning regarding timing and so forth next year.

    Again, thanks! HOw much did you sell the car for?

    Posts: 199

    Hey, Mike,
    Sorry about that. I’ll go fix it.

    Posts: 199

    Shane, now is the time. If you can get out, go for it. Life’s too short to be playing chicken with a desk. lol. Hopefully you’ll have a chance this weekend. Should be a good one.

    Posts: 199

    Fowler, it means that you’ve been sitting in a boat long enough to feel comfortable leaving the top button open in your pants.

    By the way, what’s the deal with the job discussion thing? Isn’t fishing sort of a job?

    Posts: 199

    Hey, Shane,
    We’ll be at the Forest Lake store from around noon until 3:30 and then will bug out. Back to Mille Lacs for Saturday night. Should be fun. Come on down after you’ve limited on ducks.

    Posts: 199

    A full tank keeps the gas mixed… in case you have any ethanol at all in it. Also helps to keep the lines completely full of gas so that water can’t travel along them. The best way is to store your boat with a full tank, always. Also, drop something like sea foam into it. Helps a lot to keep the gas from separating.

    Posts: 199

    Welcome back, Brad. I know it’s been tough. Here’s hoping that everything (including you) improves fast. See you on the river.

    Posts: 199

    Done, Chappy.

    Posts: 199

    Mike Little was wondering if he’d gotten a sheepie in between one of the buns.

    Posts: 199

    Looks like we’re losing Jake to college life. Good luck with the girls, but remember to keep that stick on the ice.

    Posts: 199

    I’ve heard a lot of folks catch an awful lot of sheepies this year, but I don’t think that the population has exploded. On the other hand, I haven’t seen the die-off that is normal. Last year, at one point I counted about 30 5 pounders, all dead, in about a 1-mile stretch of Pepin on the Wisconsin side. This year, they seem to be staying offshore and are catchable.

    One thing is true. As James says, they’re great sport. Just wish they were edible. And no comments, please. I ain’t eatin’ a sheepie.

    Posts: 199

    You guys just keep posting. Welcome to the Mushroom cave. Good thing we grow orchids, too, or I’d never see the light of day. I have to get sunglasses just to go upstairs at night, though. This monitor just doesn’t give off that much light.

    Doesn’t anyone fish any more?

    Posts: 199

    Fowler, I thought you were in your truck again.

    Posts: 199

    Hey, Steve,
    I hope you get a commission for that. Seems to me that you should, seeing as how you had to deliver it and all.

    Posts: 199

    hmmm…. I do #2? Isn’t that where you put EVERYONE, so you can have 3 empty for late arrivals? I think last weekend we had about 27 people in 2 for awhile.

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