Here’s the method I use and it works great. The time it doesn’t is if you’re fishing VERY tight into snags. If you’ve got any room to spare, this is great. I am hoping you have baitcaster reels with clickers on them. When the clicker starts going, pick the rod up, point it straight at the fish and let him take some more line. Once he’s steadily moving off, take off the clicker, lift the rod tip to about 1 o’clock while letting the free spool take more line (don’t lock the reel in gear yet) Once you get your rod to 1 o’clock, lock it in gear and let the flathead pull your rod down. Once it gets to about 4 o’clock, HAMMER HIM! They will have the bait fully in their mouth 99/100 times when you do this. Also what dirk said about bigger hooks and hooking them behind the dorsal fine. You might also want to try 3 way rigs. Good luck.