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  • mrbill
    Posts: 4

    Speaking of the classified section, when did it get so expensive to list something? I was going to place a “for sale” ad for a trolling motor and it was going to cost me $16.99 with a photo. Is that correct? I have not listed anything for sale for some time now and it was a surprise.

    Posts: 4

    Best way is to beg, borrow or steal a power bleeder or one of those Mini Vacs that you pump by hand. If you cant find one you can try this. Mount a trailer ball on the end of a strong 2X4 or piece of steel. Put this into the hitch and have a helper lift the 2X4 so that it operates the surge brake. This works just like stepping on the brake pedal of your car so the lever must be held while the brake bleeder screw is opened and then shut. If the lever is release while the bleeder screw is open you will suck air back into the line. The power bleeder or Mini Vac only requires one person and a lot less effort.

    Posts: 4

    You could ask at your local marina if they have a accessory cat you could look through. If not check out for misc, hard to find stuff. Their latest free catalog has 1,137 pages of marine accessories. They also have a retail branch in Minnetonka and Bloomington. They sell rail and the ends by the piece. If this sounds like a advertisment for WM I’am sorry, but you will find cool stuff you didnt even know you needed.

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