Thanks for the report, great job, but you may want to rethink the belt buckle.
May 22, 2013 at 7:33 pm
Thanks for the report, great job, but you may want to rethink the belt buckle.
I would guess with this weather the fishing should pick up. It appears southerly winds starting Thursday through the weekend. If you find a pattern it probably will stick for a while. I would think windblow structure (points dropoffs etc..) then work different depths until you find them. I wouldn’t be surprised if you find some in 4-7 feet of water.
Are you using #18 lead? Unless you are going up in leadcore size I wouldn’t go above #14 on the leader. I would bet you would start to break the lead. I have done that before and I would much rather break the leader. Has it been breaking at the knots? You could go 27 on the lead 20 on the leader. I have never used more than 5 colors even on my full core setups in Nebraska (usually 1-3), I think I could still get more than 5 colors on my reels in #27 test.
From a guy who has been there before as well. I can’t say it any better than Carroll58. That was an outstanding post.
From Nebraskaland online magazine
“Zorinsky will be open for fishing, but keep in mind that re-stocking following the zebra mussel elimination and rotenone renovation only started in the fall of 2011. Channel catfish, bluegill, largemouth bass, and black crappie were stocked last fall; redear sunfish were stocked in March 2012. A handful of largemouth bass and the 97 black crappies stocked into Zorinsky last fall were adult fish, but by far, most of the fish in Zorinsky are going to need at least a couple years to grow.”
So it appears they did chemically treat it. Based upon the way it was written it appears they just decided to start over given the chance and the rotenone was for that purpose and not the mussells.
I have had some great fishing on east winds, can think of one particular spot that fishes best when the wind is from the east.
Exactly, I actually love a southeast wind for one lake I frequent. Daryl’s post is right on based upon my experience. I will say very light east winds the morning after a cold front seem to be very slow, but even then I have found as the day went on either the fishing got better or I did, probably the the first one.
Can a guy expect it to be really slow for the eyes?
In my experience… yes. With that said I don’t think I have fished early April in 80 degree weather and water tempts in the 50s (or higher). I still suspect the fish will be highly scatterred with some still in spawning areas, some deep, some shallow, etc….. You never know until you try, good luck, and even if the fishing is tough, I will still be jealous.
I will agree the best calendar month would be May or June and for me it can change year to year. I prefer May just because their is typically less pressure and if the weather is decent it is can be lights out. Best 30 day period for me would be May 15 – June 15.
Thanks for the updates Brian. Crappies and Kids are a good match. I would love to have more time to keep fishing but my oldest son is interested in the 4 legged creatures at this point. Maybe 300 crappies would change his mind. I don’t have time for both, so the boat is put away.
Some pics of his first buck. He is spoiled.
Not a mechanic, but I have had starters go out. It could be the other things mentioned, but I would still bet on a starter. I have been exactly in your shoes, no clicking or anything. Seemed like battery but wasn’t, replaced starter and vroom.
Nice job Brian
Don’t knock the importance of the net man. I always figured when trolling the two most important guys are the guy driving the boat and the guy with the net . Anyone can reel them in. Now my netting lately has been less than steller, the guy driving the boat needs to slow down (oh wait that is me too…
Hey Brian, think one of those new DI units will pick up a virtually brand new 6′ Cabelas XML and Abu Cardinal 401 in 27 feet of water? I can give you the coordinates down at Harlan.
Don’t ask….. just make sure you check that your rod holders are tight
Looks familiar but my screen isn’t color. I always like to see thick lines underneath, unfortunately they don’t always make a presence.
The boys did pretty well again this weekend, a little slower but still good. I will post some “on the water pics”
Ben what is up with that Avatar? Story? I think I may have seen a pic of that fish at the Boathouse?
Thanks everybody for the comments. Wish us luck we will be at it again tomorrow if the weather cooperates. Hopefully the fish will cooperate also.
I hear you on the storms, my work vehicle parked in GI had no left windows and looked like it was sandblasted on Tuesday morning.
Daryl will probably give you the best answer, but bigbones is probably on the right track. I understand that Sherman is one of the few reservoirs in Nebraska which has documented natural reproduction and recruitment, and I believe Mcconaughy is maintained almost solely by stocking. Mconnaughy is also about 10 times the size of Sherman.
I have that one also, and haven’t had any issues. I do think the other one looks a little nicer when the motor is removed, but I am fine with mine.
Nice job, I am still jealous , snow this weekend kept me off the water,
maybe next week….
You likely will not be missing much, although it would be better than work. I actually kind of prefer being solo this time because I am mostly going to be getting everything “ready”. Even the most patient partner makes me put pressure on myself to quit tinkering and fish. Davis is a good solo location as nowhere is far from shore and it is usually not to busy, but I kind of need the dock in, it isn’t exactly beaching weather yet.
I am jealous you have been on the water, and you caught some fish to top it off. My date looks like it will be the 26th, although I will be tinkering as much as fishing. I need to try out my b-day present (an i-pilot), and making sure everything still works.
Anybody know if the dock would be in at Davis by the 26th? Probably going solo.
As far as local someone else would have to help you out.
I think Minneapolis is actually closer to me than Sheridan Wyoming.
He will be a hop skip jump from Montana. He might want to take up fly fishing, ala a River Runs Through It. Boysen and Glendo Reservoirs in Wyoming are outstanding walleye fisheries, but they are not exactly close to Sheridan, but then again 100 miles is “just down the road” in Wyoming.
It is a beautiful area on the east slope of the Bighorns Mountains. I have hunted elk there and caught a few brookies in the streams.
Thanks guys, that is what you call timely feedback. I was actually hoping you would say the eyecon. The 7mlf is on the way. I like that idea alot as it will hopefully be replaced by an avid and then I can use it as a rigging/dragging rod.
It will be fitted with a president 6730 with fireline on one spool and sensation on the other.
Hopefully we won’t get blasted with too much more cold weather and it won’t be long….
From NTV
Tonight…Windy…snow. Areas of blowing snow. Bitterly cold. …. Wind chill readings around 28 below.
Tuesday…Highs around 3. … Wind chill readings around 29 below.
Tuesday Night…Bitterly cold. Lows around 8 below. North winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts to around 35 mph. Wind chill readings around 33 below.
Wednesday…Mostly sunny. Bitterly cold. Highs around 9. …. Lowest wind chill readings around 32 below in the morning.
Wednesday Night…Bitterly cold. Lows around 5 below…. Wind chill readings around 21 below.
Nice Brian, real nice, just couldn’t help yourself could you.
Good luck Ben, and nice theory Brian. I couldn’t help but go a few hours on Sunday before putting the boat up for winter. I didn’t find the eyes on Sunday, I found a couple schools of whites and crappies and caught a few of those, but no eyes. I was not seeing the bigger hooks on the finder either. I should have went looking for them but I was short on time. The air temp was 10-15 degrees cooler and the water temp dropped about 1 degree. Sunday toward evening I was the only boat on the lake!!!!!!!!!