I went to check out a local wma with my bow yesterday morning that isnt too far from cabelas since I had to run to cabelas anyways. I didnt realize how cold it was until I got out of the truck. This is my first year with the bow and I found out really fast that my release will only fit on lighter gloves. I also didnt take into account the aluminum frame of the bow or the metal part of my win free flight release being so cold on the grip. It just made it easier to still hunt because I had to stop and ball my fingers up in the palm of the gloves every few minutes to warm my fingertips . Im glad winter is finally here. I am going to try and get out a few more times if I can find a spot worth hunting. I would really like to get my first deer with bow and not ready to give up yet. I have to use up a couple of vacation days. It wont be too long and it will be over and I will have to revert back to fishing.
December 9, 2007 at 3:16 pm