Turn off the auto depth range off. The unit will keep seening you jig going up and down and will try to adjust.
Try to run the unit without the flasher mode. Run regular screen and turn off the auto depth and then use the upper and lower depth ranger to set it up. I will run mine with the top three to eight feet shut off and then just move the bottom range number up or down to match were I’m fishing. Also run split screen 4x zoom and then you can move the zoom range with the up/down arrow keys to match were you want the zoom range at. Middle water for crappies or bottom for gills.
Once you see the regular screen in action you will think the flasher is a thing of the past. The sceen will show lines for fish and bait. It will also show how fast the fish is coming up to the bait with the angle of the line moving up. Spend some time with it you will love it.
I have a 27 set up for ice fishing for three years now and it has been a very nice tool. Target seperation is great and a seven inch screen with GPS is way better then a handheld.

Posts: 64
March 4, 2013 at 2:06 pm