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  • mkeehn
    Posts: 29

    As a former taxidermist. (13 years) I always tried to have each project out before the next season for that species began. As far as lost tags and numbers, the project should be properly bagged and logged in to prevent such “amateur mistakes”. Unless it was properly prepared, a turkey skin will probably not be mountable after 3 years in the freezer. To agree with a previous replay, try kindness first. You haven’t called in 2 years, so SOME of the blame falls on you. Good, busy taxidermists know they will be getting calls constantly about mount progress. We almost expect it as being part of the business. But asking for your deposit and bird back is not out of the question. You should still be able to mount the fan and beard in a worst case scenario. Good Luck !!

    Posts: 29

    All I can say is THANKS to all of you FORD buyers. I work at the Kentucky Truck Plant that builds the Super Duty. To you Chevy and Dodge owners…..Thanks for buying American, union built products. We all hope this truck is one of our best ever!

    Posts: 29

    Wade, I can confirm that there will not be a National Championship, or a 2007 Team Supreme Tournament Trail. I am one of the current owners of Team Supreme. Your getting accurate info.

    Posts: 29

    Understood waterfowler99. People just stating the obvious. I appreciate the pic and the post. Big snake in anyone’s book.

    Posts: 29

    I’m with you on that. The fact that it’s 9′ is obvious, but 97 lbs is certainly pushing the envelope. Doesn’t matter though, I still wouldn’t want to take a hit from that beast.

    Posts: 29

    While I realize that I’m looking for a silver lining, this may actually help re-establish some brush and weedgrowth that has diappeared over the years. Also, to maintain a 680 level may actually help the bass spawn because of the constant water level.( This has been very poor as of the last few years.) There will still be plenty of 100′ water depths to support stripers and walleye. (My opinion)

    Posts: 29

    Yes, 3 practice days, and 3 competition days.

    Posts: 29

    The National Championship at Moors Resort on Kentucky Lake is a top priority. Invitations will been sent out soon. As far as “off limits”, 30 days before the tournaments first official practice day will be the norm.

    Posts: 29

    Dave, the website is currently being updated and modified, it will be up and running as soon as it possibly can.

    Posts: 29

    The website will be up just as soon as possible. It is currently being updated and modified.

    Posts: 29

    As I stated in an earlier post, we have tested this engine more than any other, and continue to test. We have some engines that have been running continuously with different loads place on it. So far this testing equals nearly 5 MILLION miles!

    Posts: 29

    Personally, I would. I haven’t had any trouble with mine, but the 6.4 looks impressive. Another point on mileage that some people may have forgotten, is what rear-end gear you have. All duallies have a 410 gear, while other single rear wheel can have 410, 373, or 355. This will certainly change your fuel mileage. If you decide to buy a new Ford, contact me and I’ll save you a few thousand $$$. Seriously. [email protected]

    Posts: 29

    Bored? Never, I just started reading this post today and couldn’t stop. Man what memories you bring back!! Fantastic job, really, really, enjoy it.

    Posts: 29

    Bored? Never, I just started reading this post today and couldn’t stop. Man what memories you bring back!! Fantastic job, really, really, enjoy it.

    Posts: 29

    Sorry to take so long gettin’ back. By “good fuel” I mean using Marathon brand fuel, I get right at 22mpg, using some other local fuels, while sometimes cheaper, will usually only get me 15-17mpg. This has been very consistent. As far as not building the 6.0 for very long, it was a problem prone engine for awhile. The 6.0 came out while the 6.4 was being developed. We are currently still testing the engine,but already have some that are still running continuously with nearly 5 MILLION miles of testing.WE also will have a F450 with a bed that has a towing capacity of 24,000 lbs. An engine upgrade was certainly needed for this.

    Posts: 29

    I almost forgot. Thanks to you and everyone for buying these trucks. All of us at KTP appreciate what you think about our vehicles. P.S. the 2008 that we are currently building has a 6.4 diesel. Due out soon!!!!

    Posts: 29

    I build the Super Duty at the Kentucky Truck Plant. I currently have a 6.0 Diesel. But once had the 7.3. I’ve always ran Rotella with no problems, changing the oil every 5000-7500 miles. Currently getting about 22mpg, but I think this is more due to good fuel, rather than the oil.

    Posts: 29

    Thanks leiting, that should work. I appreciate everyone’s help. A little expensive aren’t they?

    Posts: 29

    Thanks leiting, that should work. I appreciate everyone’s help. A little expensive aren’t they?

    Posts: 29

    More prayers on the way. Wishing the best to him and family.

    Posts: 29

    You have the respect of your anglers, and they know exactly where they stand, I’m just saying you never let ’em forget it !! LOL !

    Posts: 29

    I know you kindagrouchy, you would never intentionally offend anyone…honest.

    Posts: 29

    While many of us, myself included, hated the silence that has taken place since the ACCUSATIONS. Sometimes it may be best to remain silent. I’ve known Nevin for awhile, and one thing I have notice about him is there’s a reason for everything he does.I’ll support him and TS until this thing works out. Innocent until proven guilty.I am also a director for Team Supreme, and plan on providing my support to the tournament side of this thing to the end.

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