It is always fun to try out theories. That is how we learn as anglers and you could have just as easy had a remarkable night of fishing. Your spot sounds like it could have good potential as an early ice spot as that is what I’m usually looking for – inside turn, weeds, perch, sharp breakline ect. (Keep it in mind for next year) It may even have more opportunity this year as you said you got two fish to bite (lost one of them) and marked a few more. Maybe you need to move around and find “the spot on the spot” so to speak. You found out that there are some fish around the area. Could have been an off night, not showing them the right bait choice, or just making a small move and adjustment. I’m not saying there isn’t a shallow water bite going and I am a firm believer that walleyes relate to the weeds all year. It’s just a matter of which weeds and how active they are. I have just been targeting a different pattern and chasing the deep water fish but there is usually always more than one bite going on any given lake at the same time. Get back out there!
Good Luck
Nick Miltimore