Yep!!!! Just a question of whether you prefer liquid or solid!
Forum Replies Created
October 6, 2011 at 11:58 am #999492
Walleye Wisdom…Yep, there are plenty of Griz out here. Fortunatly most of my run ins have been with black bears but, you just never know what you’ll run into this time of year!!!
I’d recommend a can of bear spray as well!!!
Don’t know if you hunt but, if you do just know that many of the Griz have learned that a gun shot often means an easy meal!!! At least once a year a hunter gets tagged from behind during hunting season while they gut/clean their kill. Always keep your eyes open around you and better yet, hunt with someone to watch your back side.
Yep, still in Missoula. Transfered back here for my job about a year ago from Iowa. The current plan is to retire here in western Montana in about 5 years, if I’m lucky. (As I recall, you’re from Cedar Falls? I was raised in Waterloo.
I’m usually pretty busy with work but, if you ever need help netting those walleyes, I’d be happy to volunteer!!!! I’m having serious withdrawl, not being able to fish the Mississippi!!!
Welcome to Big Sky Country!
October 5, 2011 at 12:13 pm #999171Looks like you found a couple of good spots!!!
I used to do a lot of hunting and fishing over in your area years ago, mainly Holter lake area.
Also looks like you’re fishing both from a boat and shore? Just a heads up, it’s that time of year when the bears come done in the valleys to put on the feed bag. Already had about a half dozen wonder into Missoula the past two weeks. One actually tried to enter the automatic doors at the airport terminal last Wednesday evening!
I’ve run into my share while out fishing from shore. Usually they are nothing to really worry about but, you just never know. I only had one false charge in all those meetings but, it did get my attention!!!
Just be aware of your suroundings and you’ll be good.
November 8, 2010 at 1:16 pm #91860Thanks guys!!! You’ve given me a starting point and that’s what I was looking for.
October 1, 2010 at 6:16 pm #902096Along the same lines as Robert Ruark, I’ve always enjoyed any of the books by Peter Hathaway Capstick. African safarias, but a bit more modern. I seem to end up reading them time and again over the years.
March 14, 2010 at 12:17 pm #853362Truely outstanding work!!!!
I’ve always wanted try my hand at carving but, I just don’t have the patience.
February 27, 2010 at 2:30 am #846966Congratulations on the P.B.!!!! Sweeeeeet fish!!!!
And perfect timing!!!!! We arrive at Evert’s on Monday and spend the entire week!!!
February 9, 2010 at 9:13 am #840965Quote:
Darn, I have to work on Saturday. I’m going to have to get me a real job where I have weekends off.
A real job!!!! That’ll be the day!!! Want to swap
Don’t worry 192-Fazer, I’ll take notes for you!!
By the way, what are you doing on this web site? Aren’t you in Vegas??
I’m sure the ramps are open but, what exact color will the fish be biting on when I’m up there in three weeks?
October 23, 2009 at 10:23 pm #811209Thanks twister!!!
I’ve got a blown up drawing but, it’s not very good.
October 23, 2009 at 6:43 pm #811136I really wish you guys were right but this unit is a lot differant. I don’t know if it’s because it’s a Japanese model or what.
I’ve tried turning the impeller shaft…no good. Hell, I’ve even tilted the whole unit back, hoping that gravity might do the trick.
There are no splines to line up on the shift linkage. The top of the shift rod is nothing but a treaded rod that couples to another treaded rod coming down from the motor.
The actual drain screw is about 3 inches to the left and 3 inches down from the one in the second picture on the bottom of the gear housing.
I followed Jon Jordan’s post about replacing the impeller but this unit is just differant from most I guess. No splines to line up for the shift linkage. The drive shaft linkage is no problem.
Anyway, if you look at the end of the shift linkage in the second picture, you might be able to see that the beveled side has three flat/verticale spots. The bottom one is forward, the center is neutral and the top one is reverse. Which go’s along with what my shifter at the console is doing to the shaft. The whole thing only moves about 2 inches up and down. The pin that is blocking everything just follows along and shifts as it hits those flat spots. Nothing else.
I don’t know but I’m guessing that I need to get a manual or take it in. Thanks for the ideas though, guys.
As far as the hammer is concerned, it may not fix it but I’d feel a lot better. That is at least until I got the repair bill.
October 16, 2009 at 11:47 pm #809732Total…………21 lb. 1 oz.
Big sauger……. 4 lb. 4 oz.
Big walleye…… 9 lb. 8 oz.October 2, 2009 at 10:00 pm #609166GoClones,
Serious, swing by Evert’s or call Dean. He’ll get you on fish!!!! Especially with the kids!!!!
Lord know’s he’s helped us more than once with the “moron’s” we bring up there!!!!
(Limit every time if you’re looking for numbers and personal best’s if you are looking for that!!!!
Dean is the man and will take care of you!!!!!
Go Cyclones!!!!!
September 20, 2009 at 5:16 pm #805291I really hope that helps you and your friends put some fish in the boat and frying pan Littl Clear!! Truth is there are others that are on this site that seem to do a lot better than I do, especially this time of year so check all their posts.
The true keys for us were matching the sinker wieght to the current. Just enough to keep the bait near the bottom but, light enough so the current could carry it up and over the wing dam. Also, have plenty of crawlers. We went through about 4 dozen crawlers in about 4 hours, and they ain’t cheap now a days. And last but not least remember, any unusual line movement just might be a fish!!!
Hope you and your friends do well, and good fishing!!
Let us know how you do!!!!
September 16, 2009 at 4:35 pm #804706Got out for a few hours yesterday morning and targeted the wing dams around Camanche. Ended up catching 4 eyes, two short/two keepers, one two pound white bass and a pile of small cats, sheep head, red horse and gills. Only kept the two keeper eyes and one white bass.
Most fish came on a simple crawler on top of the dam’s between 7 AM and 830. (Thinking I should have been out there earlier!!!) The eye’s were biting like bait robbing small cats of gills. Very light!!! On the other hand, the white bass came on a fire tiger crank and almost stole my rod and reel right out of my hand close to the boat!!!
Would have gone again today except earlier but, the wife had a doctors appointment that I had to go to. Maybe later this week.
Good luck!
August 21, 2009 at 5:34 pm #1435992Dude!!! I’m way color blind!!!!!!!!
SERIOUS (sp)….It’s all gray to me!!! Stupid fish!!!!!!!!!!
In truth I’d say lavender homo!
August 9, 2009 at 11:38 pm #796335Nice! Caught one about that size earlier this year on pool 14. Went 18 pounds! Only reason I even know is because I brought it in my boat to get my crank bait back. Hey, 7 bucks is 7 bucks!!!
June 10, 2009 at 5:10 am #782845Nice fish Todd!!
Only problem is I’m getting a headache trying to figure out where you were, based on the background in the picture!!
I’ve got a fellow IDO’er coming down to try Pool 14 with me the next couple days. A couple fatties like that, would sure make for a good trip! You guy’s have got my hopes up!!!
May 30, 2009 at 10:15 am #780461No secret for the crappies, Fishon1! For some reason they just had a taste for the #5 jointed shad rap, in the blue shad pattern. (At least that’s what they wanted Wednesday.)Pulled them fairly slowly with my electric trolling motor, maybe 2 mph or less???? Action isn’t fast and furius but, consistant. Actually, I had similar luck on crappie last summer, pulling the same crank bait in the back waters.
The only real secret was I was actually looking for walleye but, crappie will do.
Give it a try and good luck!!
May 29, 2009 at 10:40 am #780221Didn’t get out yesterday but did on Wednesday morning. With the FLW guys flying by and a local group having a catfish tourny, I decided just to play around in the back waters. Tried a number of things but, the only thing working for me was pulling/pitching crank baits. Ended up with a nice mixed bag. 1 Sheepie, 1 pike, 1 large mouth, 1 white bass, 2 catfish, 5 14″ walleye, and a dozen crappie. The crappie went home for a fish fry. Nothing too exciting but overall, not a bad day.
Man those bass boats are fast!!!!
May 25, 2009 at 12:44 am #778957Fishing is fishing, and it’s all good!!! Sounds like a great time to me. ( I still think Mark caught all the fish!!
) Besides, you could have been stuck here in the office with me and we both know some of these people just ain’t right!
Good report.
May 20, 2009 at 11:41 am #778226Thanks for the info Big Muddy!!!
I for one, do believe your story, but would still love to see the pictures.
May have to try the dam area next week when I can get out. Thanks!!!
April 24, 2009 at 11:42 am #770744Pretty much the same here. Not a single bite Wednesday morning, and only managed 1 crappie and 1 walleye yesterday morning. Those winds sure made it tough!!!
April 20, 2009 at 7:45 pm #770007I plan to hit 14 myself, both Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Last week, pitchin paddle tails to sand flats brought a few walleyes to the boat. All were just short. Hopefully things pick up this week.
Good luck!
March 19, 2009 at 12:29 am #760081Hadn’t planned to get the boat out until April but, this warmer weather sure has put a bug in me!!! (The honey do list might get delayed for awhile.) Made a quick run past the Princeton launch the other day. Don’t think you could launch there as it was full of logs and debris, because it’s off the main current and protected. I’d assume the ramps further north are in better shape. Many logs out in the main channel???
Most of my spots on 14 are on the Illinois side and you would need a boat. Maybe some of the other more experienced Pool 14 fisherman can help. I have seen a number of folks fishing from shore at Lock and dam 14, just south of
Le Claire. Just don’t know how they do there. You might want to post that same question for Pools 15 and 16. I know some nice fish come out of those pools too. Good Luck!!December 30, 2008 at 3:55 am #732585John,
Just saw a post in general forum today about lock and dam 15 that said that the ramp is open. Sorry but don’t know how to add the link to the post.
Good luck