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  • mikemohr
    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i own a double bull 360 it is the best thing i have bought my faimly and i have shot 6 turkeys in 3 years they can not see this blind. A story for you we went out one moring and set up right in the middle of a 40 acres of corn the turkeys came right to us didn’t even see the blind. You will not regret buying this blind.
    good luck

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i own a double bull 360 it is the best thing i have bought my faimly and i have shot 6 turkeys in 3 years they can not see this blind. A story for you we went out one moring and set up right in the middle of a 40 acres of corn the turkeys came right to us didn’t even see the blind. You will not regret buying this blind.
    good luck

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    those are some nice shacks mine just has two truck toppers

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    was out by the big shaks with the flags on them one flag and a run on the rattle real. caught one 20 inch nothern thats it.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    it seems that you really have to work for the fish maybe i am just not in the right spot o-well i am going to try it to night hope for better luck

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    the bite on minnows has picked up. Jigging is still very slow have to work hard to get them.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    yeah i drove out yesterday with my f-150 we are taking another shack down. This weekend will help the ice alot.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    When was that picture taken

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    When was that not last night when u drove on was it.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Yeah sometimes u just have to hit it right

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I have checked out the lake befor driving on. I have heard that dustan is leaving his out and barny is bring his out

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I have heard by the far end of pine lake has been good just go by the shaks

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Altoona is a good lake early and late ice but in mid season I have found it to be no good. I have caught some very nice perch out of there have had some alright luck with crappies and northerns. There are walleyes, Muskies, small and large mouth bass in there too never had much luck. Have had some great luck on bluegills this year on early ice but not much latly.

    Good luck

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I drove out there yesterday, I went off of seymour go throuhg the middle it is fine. I didn’t here of any body pulling there shacks off. There have been more people coming of the altoona side where it is safer. But, my f150 didn’t go through i don’t think a car will with the nights being as cold as they are.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i have talked to some people who have been up to big round the said it was slow but they did catch some nice blue gills

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Lip ripper
    I can see where you are coming form i do agree with your theroys that a buck can come out of nowhere. I will keep asking thanks for the advice.


    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Lip ripper
    I can see where you are coming form i do agree with your theroys that a buck can come out of nowhere. I will keep asking thanks for the advice.


    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Norhten wisconsin is a totaly differnt every one up there is up there to get a deer they don’t care if it is a doe or an nubbin buck.
    Heres a story for you guys we were hunting a 2 mile block north of gordon wisconsin. We were doing a drive one of our guys shot a basket 8 point. While dragging it out there was a guy we met he couldn’t belive we got that buck he said in the last 2 years that he has passed up 3 bucks none over 8 points he said all three of them he had seen shot no more than an hour after he saw them which just shows you can pass up any buck up there the next guy will take it.
    The reason i can not hunt private land is that we can’t aford any. I have asked people but the ones i have asked said they practice qdm i said i would abide by there rules they wouldn’t let me hunt they said it was for them only and there faimly i would say thank you and leave.
    I am not trying to be a jerk or any thing thats just what i belive. I just think any type of a buck to me is a trophy to me thats how i see it.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Norhten wisconsin is a totaly differnt every one up there is up there to get a deer they don’t care if it is a doe or an nubbin buck.
    Heres a story for you guys we were hunting a 2 mile block north of gordon wisconsin. We were doing a drive one of our guys shot a basket 8 point. While dragging it out there was a guy we met he couldn’t belive we got that buck he said in the last 2 years that he has passed up 3 bucks none over 8 points he said all three of them he had seen shot no more than an hour after he saw them which just shows you can pass up any buck up there the next guy will take it.
    The reason i can not hunt private land is that we can’t aford any. I have asked people but the ones i have asked said they practice qdm i said i would abide by there rules they wouldn’t let me hunt they said it was for them only and there faimly i would say thank you and leave.
    I am not trying to be a jerk or any thing thats just what i belive. I just think any type of a buck to me is a trophy to me thats how i see it.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    the people who i hunt with if you see a buck you should shoot some of them are above 50 and they still shoot spikes what ever makes there way past i think it is the way you were raised and what you belive in. Thats the way that almost every one and public land hunts all you guys have privte land we don’t have that choice.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    the people who i hunt with if you see a buck you should shoot some of them are above 50 and they still shoot spikes what ever makes there way past i think it is the way you were raised and what you belive in. Thats the way that almost every one and public land hunts all you guys have privte land we don’t have that choice.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Joe T.
    I have a question? Why would you say i ran away when i helped catch the take care of each mud puppy next if you don’t know don’t say any thing.
    Have you ever even caught a mud puppy that was a year and a half a go when i frist saw it. I was afraid then not now. Evey one else had the same reacation when they had seen there first mudpuppy and ran away.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i have herd of people still going out there up to last weekend they did very well limted out on blue gills

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    we went to cramberry lake that is right off of the holcome main water way and caught 15 carrpies

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I own a strikemaster it is nice you want to keep your blades sharp i do alot of fishing like you but an 8 inch is all you need its light and you can pull any fish out of.

    good luck

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i do hunt all public land so if i see a buck thats a plus so i will take it but i don’t get all that many shots at deer and i do love the meat so any chance i get i will take it.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i do hunt all public land so if i see a buck thats a plus so i will take it but i don’t get all that many shots at deer and i do love the meat so any chance i get i will take it.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I live in central wisconsin and i am more of a meat hunter but if i saw any sizes buck walk past me in cetral wisconsin i would shoot it if it was even a nubbin thats just the way i hunt.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I live in central wisconsin and i am more of a meat hunter but if i saw any sizes buck walk past me in cetral wisconsin i would shoot it if it was even a nubbin thats just the way i hunt.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I have been fishing is the far east bay there is a bout 9 inchs there around 3:45 is when the action heats up its only about 5 feet deep there but you can catch some good bluegills and perch a carrpie few and far between. My friends and i have been pulling out some out stand perch some at the 13 to 14 inch range every time we go out

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