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  • Mike
    Posts: 16

    Please let me know if .270 and/or .35 are available. Thx.

    Posts: 16

    Thanks for the suggestions/ discussion. I appreciate your willingness to share you experiences.

    Posts: 16

    The context of my post was the problem(s) with Merc., not Amazon.

    Posts: 16

    Future”…I don’t want a CB radio. I am purchasing a marine VHF radio which I feel is necessary.

    When I’m 13-14 miles out on Lake Erie in 4 footers near the Canadian line, I want the ability to communicate. My cell does not always work there and even if it does, it switches to an international setting which does not give me comfort. Total cost will be around 600, which is a small one-time price to pay
    for safety.

    Concerning the technology, it doesn’t matter what I think, what matters is what works. I’ve had hand-helds and they just don’t get out far. Experience with my previous boat demonstrated the need for an 8’ antenna. Google how antennas work and you’ll learn that radio signals function by line-of-sight technology, meaning the curvature of the earth limits how far signals travels. The higher the antenna, the further the signal travels.

    Plus, modern radios possess the ability to immediately send distress signals to the USCG and other nearby boats. If properly registered, that signal not only gives an exact GPS coordinates, it provides my specific boat information and personal information allowing a proper response. It also allows me to help others if I am nearby because I receive their distress signal. And, weather functions allow me to be proactive if conditions turn bad.

    So….I consider my marine vhf radio one of my best safety investments. For me it is a necessity, more so than much of the other equipment I have on board.

    Posts: 16

    Thanks to everyone for taking the time to provide your thoughts. Your time is important and the info your provided is greatly appreciated.

    Posts: 16

    I can’t express my appreciation for these discussions. You have addresses issues I wouldn’t have considered in my wildest dreams. Your comments will surly result in a better, more satisfying boat for my future. Thanks.

    Posts: 16

    Thanks again folks. This information is extremely valuable to me as I appreciate the experience you all bring to the discussion.

    Posts: 16

    Wow. I’m impressed with the quick responses. Much thanks.

    Mostly use on Lake Erie in OH and PA. Some smaller lakes and rivers around Pittsburgh too.

    I will not be using livescope or panoptix, I just don’t see the need for my application. I had an EchoMap on my last boat and it worked very well. I tried side scan but didn’t appreciate it in Lake Erie.
    I may upgrade seats next year, not right away.
    36v Terrova with 72” shaft.
    Wash down
    Trim tabs
    Upgraded charger

    Thanks for suggestions.

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