Floyd Ragan the game warden in the Slayton area many years ago was on the record as saying he shot any cat that was more than a quarter of a mile from the nearest farm place.
I remember that from when I in that area in the late 70’s..
had the same thing at the family cabin, a guy from across the lake would start to troll and he always would go close to all the docks… well the in-laws would never say a word.. he would cut their lines while bobber fishing for northerns!!! well I come alone and see what is going to happen and I put on the biggest dare devil made I think and just as he passes by I cast and get all his lines!! real nice mess and he was pissed… I said you seen us fishing go around.. cut all his lines and gave him his lures back…. never came close to the docks again…
Steppenwolf. Iron BUtterfly. Neil Diamond. Mamas and Papas. Peter, Paul and Mary. Some of Kenny Rogers stuff was good. REO Speedwagon. Chicago. There are a ton of bands that aren’t around anymore.