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  • mickeydim468
    Posts: 6


    I am new to this forum, but my heart goes out to you and your family. I am sitting here in tears. You see, my daughter will be seven this December, and I can’t imaging losing this precious child. This kid out-fishes me every time we go out, and if I don’t take her, I can’t catch ANY fish. She calls herself “Daddy’s Lucky Charm”. And she is. I can only imagine what you are going through. My family and I will be praying for you daily. Miracles can happen! I believe this. Keep your faith!

    I have a boat, but I live in Oregon. If you are near me I will let you use it as much as you and Maddy would like!


    Posts: 6

    OK, I see this guy is asking too much, but where can I find specs on these two motors. Maybe I can talk him down to a reasonable price.


    Posts: 6

    When I read your subject line, I thought you were going to tell us how someone kicked you in your “Round Tables”! Sorry, baseball was the furthest thing from my mind this morning! LOL

    Need coffee!


    Posts: 6

    Thanks for the welcome once again!

    I have already told my fishin’ buddy about this site. He came over this morning and I showed it to him. He has a similar boat to mine but he had the money to put a brand new Honda 40Hp 4 stroke on his last year when the motor that came with his hull blew up. This is why I want the 4-stroke. He can go fishing with me and we run all day. My gas tank is empty and his is barley off full and he has outperformed me all day long. I can’t keep up with his boat even though they are similarly loaded. Theoretically my boat should be faster due to the hull shapes. Mine is a V hull and his is weird. It starts out very V shaped and then drops to an almost flat bottom. He pushes far more water than I do. Still, he gets up to 30-31 MPH right away and mine dogs and won’t get to top speed right away, which is about 29 to 30 MPH, but it will eventually get there. I made a Whale Tail out of an old street sign metal that works awesome for pitching the nose up or down with the electric tilt control, and I would put it on my new motor too!


    Posts: 6

    Well, Thank you guys for your quick responses and warm welcome! The thing is, I really do love my old Fiberform boat. It is in pretty tip top shape and is a sound hull. I have done a lot of work on it over the past year and it is really shaping up. I traded this same dealer my 2006 14′ portaboat with a 2006 9.9Hp Nissan last June 2008. I gave him $300.00 boot money and I have enjoyed the boat and EZ loader trailer with the Force 50Hp motor all year. We even did firework viewing from right near where they shot them off on the bay for 2 years in a row from in the boat. I just ripped out all of the carpeting and side vinyl and am going to be painting the walls and floor with some marine grade paint with Corothane and I am adding some Shark-Grip Slip resistant additive for the floor surfaces. I already have the outside all buffed out and looking sharp. I like the old style look it has. I also figure that whatever motor I get for it can be put on another hull if I find one I like better than what I have now, but until then, I don’t mind spending the money for a good motor. I would rather have a reliable motor on an old hull than an un-reliable motor on a new hull, so that’s why I am doing it this way. I have kids and can’t afford to go down and buy a new boat. No matter how nice that would be it just can’t happen!


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