Shawn, Williams Fork Res by Kremmling (aka Sportsmans Paradise) and Grandy Lake on the edge of Rocky Mountain Natl Park. That was my first time fishing Grandby, big water 7200 surface acres.
Ice out has been killer, glad you guys enjoy the pics
I think more people are catching on to ice fishing here in Colorado. Advancement in equipment makes the sport more enjoyable. I think that is true anywhere in the country that gets a lid on it. Pioneers of the sport like Genz and Brosdahl have done a good job promoting it. I hope the trap attack makes it back next year. A couple tourneys out west here would go over really well.
Glad you enjoy the pics fellas, got some more coming. Still iceing in the high country and just tickled pink about it. This little guy was hungry. Makes it hard to consider living anyplace else….well maybe ALASKA.
Thx guys….takes my breath away every time I go into the high country muskies shawn? nah i’d rather go after those other toothy critters…something i can eat