There’s been a number of 70+ reported this year!!
NICE! I broke the 60″ mark last year. The difference in size and fight between a 50 and a 60 is simply amazing. Sure hope I get to feel what a 70 feels like this weekend.
There’s been a number of 70+ reported this year!!
NICE! I broke the 60″ mark last year. The difference in size and fight between a 50 and a 60 is simply amazing. Sure hope I get to feel what a 70 feels like this weekend.
Yes sir! Be heading downtown in about an hour to “prepare”.
Go Twins!
If you feel your truck hasnt been starting as well, or you just want the piece of mind, by all means get a new battery. And because of how easy they are to install, dont pay someone to do it, do it yourself for sure.
BUT. The industry as a whole has changed quite a bit in the past few years where there arent quite as many “add on” or “upsell” items for your local shops to get you on. Forinstance many vehicles no longer have an external fuel filter and some manufacturers suggest longer fluid exchange intervals. Most shops have found a different angle with doing a “courtesy check” on your battery. If you look at how these “tests” are conducted, they are far from on the up and up. They are done and the least opportune time for your battery (after its been sitting with the dome light on, the hood light on, heater or ac fan blowing, and simply all of the computers and electronics that run all the time). And most, if not every time, your battery will show “weak”. And what better way for a shop to sell you something then by making you fear that you will be stuck somewhere at the worst possible time.
Just a word of warning.
Good luck.
You won’t have to buy anything if your auger is as new as you stated. It will be under warranty. Call Strikemaster on monday and let them know what happened. You should have a new one by wednesday.
Here’s the Customer Service page at SM with links to resources on just about any question you might have on your auger >>> http://www.strikemaster.com/customersupport_menu.html
I purchased a new Lazer Mag 2 year and just started using last week.
Is your auger a current model year auger? I’m not quite sure based on the sentence quoted above. The reason I ask is SM changed the composite used in the handles and this is the first broken handle I’ve heard of this season.
I have the last year of the Tecumseh engine, right before they went to the Solo. Of course I didnt save any paperwork. I will give Strikemaster a call and see what they say anyway. Good news is that sounds like there is a better handle out now! Buying one wont bother me if I know they have been changed to deal with this issue.
Thanks James.
I have an X2, but the concept is the same…. back of shack up on the tailgate lip, then lift & push at the same time from the front end. Be sure to be pushing before you lift… or it may slide right off the tailgate
not that it ever happened to me
Ditto. But be careful of your cover scraping on the ground. I may end up looking more like swiss cheese like mine. Its about time to get patching!
Good times! All of those firsts are the greatest and they sure do grow up fast. My boy is 4 now and he came along setting up deerstands this weekend. With the 6 hour drive ahead I told him it was a big boy’s trip and if he would act like a big boy he could come along. He did great, no complaints about the long drive or anything. Sitting around the camp fire on Saturday night he asked “since I’m being a big boy, can I have one of those?” Pointing to my beer. I’m in deep with that kid. PS. He didnt get a beer.
As soon as he can sit still for more then 30 seconds at a time, he’ll be in the stand with me.
I shoot a Winchester Model 70 with Burris optics as well, most of the time. 7MM WSM with Burris Black Diamond 2.5-10. Its my gun of choice for my favorate stand where there is potential for some long shooting. I was was impressed by the Burris scope my dad has, so I got my own. I’m very impressed by the clarity and the eye relief is exceptional. I like the bolt on the Winchester compared to the Remington, and the short mag makes for a bit shorter draw on the bolt. Thats just a personal preference though.
I’m to assume you know that they are keeping these fish? If so, I agee. BUT. I fish the out of panfish this time of year at a lake in northing MN where a buddy of mine has a cabin, but never keep a one of them. Big Sunfish on an ultralight can be a blast, especially for my 4 year old son.
I had some work done recently by Tarps inc. In Savage off of hwy 13.
I second Tarps Inc. I had a travel cover done by them and they did a great job.
I have an 07 650 Acrtic Cat. The only problems I’ve had with it were driver inflicted. I am not easy on the machine and its been very good to me.
Pros = rides very smooth. Ground clearence is excellent. 2″ receiver hitch is convienient. Its no hot rod, but its got plenty of power. Speed rack options are sweet.
Cons = If you trail ride a lot, it doesnt exactly corner like its on rails. Its a bit heavy.
Used wouldnt scare me off, with what I’ve put mine through. But there are some great deals on non-current model years out there too. Nothin like that new ATV smell.
Good luck shopping!
I have a friend with a cabin on the lake and I’ve fished it many times. Many buckets and smallies to be had. Good Luck!
Aah alcohol. To quote from the great philosopher, Homer Simpson. “To alcohol! The cause of — and solution to — all of life’s problems!”
I finally broke the 60″ mark! Cant tell by the pic that I was happy about that.
I sent her off with the phone number for Jenny Craig.
Was just putting my camping gear together last night! The weather looks like its going to be excellent.
Good luck.
I just bought a “new to me” late model GMC in Febuary. Take it for what its worth, but I did run into issues with a lot of the trucks I was looking at were getting sold fairly quickly. It lead me to belive its a sellers market for used trucks right now. Possibly only on the GM trucks as I was only looking for Chev/GMC’s?? The dealer did come down some for me, but not as much as I would have liked (of course).
Best of luck to you!
I have had the lifetime fishing license since they offered it. I was in college and going to school in WI, but I was still eligible because I was still technically a MN resident. And if I moved, it didn’t matter. So, that was great.
I have a young son- 9 months old- and will buy him a lifetime license later on…In looking at the numbers I don’t think it pays to buy him the lifetime license until he is older. As for the hunting ones, I don’t think it pays until he is of age to hunt.
The reason for me is it is not a big price difference from the 3 and under age group vs. the 4-15 age group. Might as well wait until the kids are a little older and get into the license buying age. There is only a $130 difference from the 3 and under vs the 4 to age 15 age group. 12 years of saving my money? And for fishing, no license needed until 16, so buy the license just before he turns 16 and pay $300 instead of $227 for ages 3 and under.
Just my thoughts, but I’m going to wait and get them when he needs the licenses.Here is a link at the DNR website with all the lifetime license info..
Um… It does pay. $130. And I dont care what you think.
I want to start off by saying I drive a GMC pickup. Id be the first to propose that everyone buy American (whatever that is these days)
The fact that American car companys have been making oversized, gas guzzling, sub-par vehicles for decades is why they are having problems in this market and why people are often buying “non-American” made vehicles. People are spending big money on their vehicles, and they want the best for their money. Most dont give a crap who made it.
It appears that we (Americans) are finally figuring this out and starting (hopefully) to compete with the Import cars.
My wife has a 97 Honda Accord. Ive known her for 10 years now. In that time, her Accord has needed CV axles, a battery, and front brakes for repairs. THATS IT. Her car before that was a POS American made car that was in the shop constantly. Good luck on convincing her to buy anything but a Honda next round. Good luck on bringing import car buyers back to buying American after this giant hole they dug…
So I wont be the only one sitting in one in the garrage tonight “practicing” my setup. My wife is going to think Im crazy… again
I just got a UPS tracking email saying that mine should be on my doorstep when I get home!
I hope they hold up because the portability factor is second to none.
Im on a kick of putting everything on my ATV (no sled behind) and this will be the final piece of the puzzle.
I have that exact gun and love it. I’ve shot several deer with it and… lets just say there’s not much tracking involved. I mostly hunt open fields and can get some long shooting, its one hellofa flat shooting gun.
There are plenty of options for rounds out there, you just need to make sure you have enough on hand and not to expect to be able to find any in some small town Holiday Station Store. Unless you’re someone who may forget to bring your ammo on your hunting trip, you’ll be fine.
I purchased an Arctic Cat new in the fall of 07 because I had the same fears you are having. So many people beat the snot out of them. After what I have put mine through in 1100 miles, and it still runs, rides, starts like new. I now would have no worries about buying used.
The people that come home via a tow strap are the people that modify their rides. Stay with a clean STOCK machine and you’ll be fine.
If you have the 5.7l engine, its a 12 hour job (book time), which is what a shop will charge. Assuming they are doing both banks. 9 hours if only 1 side. At metro dealer pricing, youd be looking at $1500+. Find yourself a good independent and you’d likely get it done for $1000.
Make sure your comfortable with the fact that it needs head gaskets before spending the money, or get a second opinion. Best of luck!
As much as I would never be seen on one of these here smart cars, Im not sure any car would look very good between 2 loaded dump trucks.
Good to hear!
I also had a great customer service experience with Cabela’s online. I ordered a couple of bore snakes that someone stole off of my front porch after being delivered. I needed to get a statement from them for UPS, when I called their customer service to get info on the delivery, the man there decided he would just resend the order. Couple of days later, they showed up, no questions asked!
This type of service has made me a frequent repeat customer. Too frequent if you ask my wife.
Dont know what you’re using for line. At 70′, there is some significant stretch in mono. I’ve only fished through the ice for lakers, so I wont be much help except to say using braid is nearly a must at that depth. Good luck.
Among numerous things, I tend to set my alarm for 2:20 a.m., so I can call your home phone and greet your family with a 2:22.
I’m waking up at 2:19 to turn my phone off.
I use it to kill the motor everytime. Reason being I’ve gone through 3 recoils, SM advised me to do this and havent had to replace a spring since. IMO I would follow the manuals instructions, I wish I would have earlier on… Live and learn I guess
Its essentially to extend the life of the recoil.
I heard back from Stirkemaster and they said that they have had problems with the recoils getting jammed and damaged from the engine stopping on the compression stroke. I’m guessing either the compression doesnt necessarily get released when the button is depressed the next time you start it, depending on where the piston stops (meaning a harder pull on the recoil on startup) OR it may backfire and kick the recoil out and damage it.
It still doesnt make 100% sense to me, but I know enough to try and use it (whenever I might be thinking about it that is)
If the auger was running and you pushed the button in, wouldn’t it just pop right back out? I use it to start but never turning off.
When I tried it for the first time, that’s what I expceted too. But it just causes an engine miss and doesnt pop back out. Its also not difficult to pull over without using the compression release, so I guess I dont understand the need for it at all??