OK here is something I want everyone to think about. How many walleye tournaments, local and professionally organized, are held each year on Pool’s 3 and 4? I counted over 30. Now take the drive of each fisherman in these events. Getting the most weight and most fish, right? And some of these tournaments are held at times when big fish are common, springtime and fall. If each tournament averages 50 boats and each boat averages 3 fish per day each day for the event, you do the math. Dan, when he elects to keep fish NEVER keeps fish over 18 inches. I know, I fish with him alot. His personal harvest is a drop in the bucket compared to the mortality of LARGE ADULT walleyes being kept by people for wall hanging, bragging or during these tournaments that are mature for spawning. Couple that with others that we all see on the water regularly that are always putting fish in their live well, and on back to back days. I have seen it and so have most of you, especially in the spring. So please let’s rally around Dan for the sportsman and Christian that he is. NUFF said !