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    Posts: 4487

    Noticed the same thing last night. Stopped by a buddy’s place that overlooks a large slough for some shed beers. Geese honking, swans overhead, frog’s croaking,

    I like the sound of the red wing blackbirds in the swamp

    Posts: 4487

    My girls werent born yet or I would have sent them after it. Its a small town they could call the local police station if it was so important no need for 911.

    Posts: 4487

    When i would push mow my yard it was like 11000 steps. Dont think a battery would last that long.

    Posts: 4487

    Being in town doesnt automatically mean small yard.

    Posts: 4487

    I will go to Canada Fishing and Hunting until I am physically not able to anymore. I am a BIG fan of it becoming part of the USA to make it easier, but then it will probably be over governed and made the land of no fun too.

    All the land and lakes would be donated to the indians that were there 250 years ago and you wouldnt be able to fish anymore.

    Posts: 4487

    Local police or sheriffs as they are the ones responding to any issue. I know a couple of local cops and from what they tell me is as long as I’m not discharging a firearm in city limits do what I need. The cats are a big issue and they are getting calls all the time.

    Not cat related but about 9 or 10 years ago a local cop stopped over when I was in the front yard and asked me if I had seen a chicken running around. I told him it was in my neighbors yard. He said if I helped him catch it I could have it for dinner. I told him I tried to catch it and couldnt. I said if we could chase it into my backyard I could take care of it. The chicken never left my backyard. He just wanted it gone because he said like 5 people had called 911 because of a damn chicken.

    Posts: 4487

    It was more like 1:30 last night when my brain was wandering. Just hit the keyboard at 9:59

    Posts: 4487

    Cant believe all you guys are buying electric mowers and the government didnt force you to. Just kidding. Kind of. Everyone was in an uproar not long ago about battery powered lawn equipment being forced on you.

    Posts: 4487

    I see alot of cats hunting. Unfortunately i see to many dogs also. Im yet to shoot a dog because they always have collars on them. Could care less about their stupid owners its their kids. Have fired a few warning shots when they get to close growling. If they would run up on me with one of my girls along for the walk I wouldnt think twice.

    Posts: 4487

    Its awesome when you kneel down in your own garden to pull weeds and end up with cat crap on you knees. And you dont have a cat.

    Posts: 4487

    My neighbor has an Ego mower. He dont have alot of grass so I think it would work good for him if he would not wait til a giraffe could hide in it before he mows.

    Posts: 4487

    I gave up feeding the bird because of the squirrels. We have way to many trees in the yard they can always find somewhere to jump to the feeders from. Moved my feeders out by my deer stand last fall so the girls had something to watch when the deer werent around.

    Posts: 4487

    Just seen Directv is adding a twins channel it says by opening day. Channel 668-3 dont say a price so hopefully just rolled in as part of regional sports package.

    Posts: 4487

    Yep Groll has a picture of a 32 incher he caught in the river on his FB page

    A fish picture on FB and none of you guys are calling for his head?

    Posts: 4487

    I got an envelope in the mail the other day from the us fish and wildlife. Never opened it. Bet thats what it was cause I never seen mine come either.

    Posts: 4487

    Once your kids or grandkids start digging cat crap in their sandbox or you kneel in it in your garden. Or its all over your horseshoe pits, you will stop asking ?’s and just take care of it. FYI hope the cat lover has the music cranked up when you stab a pitchfork thru his favorite kitten maker.

    Posts: 4487

    234342 over and out

    Posts: 4487

    Speaking of that, I seen to God awful ugly chevys the last couple days. One was a Alaskan and had a giant bear down the box side

    I know a guy with one of them alaskans. Fricken stupid.

    Posts: 4487

    If you wanna know where to put a decal ask a Ram owner. Thats what ive learned here.

    Posts: 4487

    I agree. One shot per season (if I’m lucky) is a shot that needs to count. I’m willing to stomach more cost when I only take one shot.

    I can tell you missing is possible. I missed twice last year about 20 minutes apart. Dont know what my problem was. I couldnt remember ever missing a turkey before. Worked out for me I guess gotta way bigger one the next day.

    Posts: 4487

    My girls wanted hummingbird feeders that suction cup to the window so they can see them closer. Its like an ant parade up and down the window.

    Posts: 4487

    All I know is the GRAY whiskers im getting in my beard are pretty darn white.

    Posts: 4487

    Just a foot pedal

    Posts: 4487

    Not bird feeding related but I wish there would be a few day spring duck hunt. Man theres some cool looking ducks around right now that never come through in the fall.

    Posts: 4487

    It dont have spot lock or I would keep it.

    Posts: 4487

    Dont you get a crap pile of ants when you put that out.

    Posts: 4487

    Whay kind of 12 gauge weighs 10lbs? I use a 10 gauge and thought thats a boat anchor at 11lbs

    Posts: 4487

    They will lose to them again next time they play in a few days. Everytime they play a team that has 1 good guy, that one guy always kills them.

    Posts: 4487

    I only put out 10 taps this year to let the kids eat through the stock pile from previous years. Should have done more. I only collected 39-40 gallons before my trees turned. Ended up 3 tbs shy of 1.5 gallons from that. Like 26 to 1. Last year was by far my worst I was at about 57 to 1.

    Posts: 4487

    Nevermind there was no picture before

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