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  • larrycoursolle
    Posts: 5

    I wish I could have been there and get to know some guys better,but, had some family emergency come up. I am really looking forward to next year. It is a great group of guys and gals, and I learned a lot and had even more fun. Have I heard right about a possible fall league?

    Posts: 5

    You guys put on a great,fun league,and I have learned a lot. unfortunately I don’t think Mick will be back next year.Being a pastor,he just had too many things going on at the same time. But I will be back, with my better half as my partner. Hope to be there on tuesday.

    Posts: 5

    Really looking forward to another session especially in the spring and would still like to be in the north launching from Hudson.

    Posts: 5

    I am new to fishing pool 2 but I berleive that both sauger and the mighty walleye should be released in the big female range if someone wants a trophy they can always take pics and measure before they release and have mounts made or as you sat just take pics I have found so far that you can almost always get good eaters in the 16″ to 19″ range on just about every trip

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