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  • catfishonly
    Posts: 2

    Good point, maybe they could change that law, its your boat it doesn’t matter who is driving it. It would apply the same principle as driving thru a tollway without paying, they have your licence plate number you get the fine in the mail weather you were driving the vehicle or not. Something needs to be done, it would be an inexpensive solution to consider, the other alternative is more law enforcement on that stretch of river.

    Posts: 2

    the saint Croix is not the pacific ocean.., some of the boats that operate on that small river look absolutely ridiculous cruising the strip from stillwater to prescott and do give off a dangerous wake, maybe a size limit for the boats allowed on the river would be something to consider. Do to the size of the river the giant wakes do not have enough distance to dissipate causing shoreline erosion and safety concerns for small boats. All the law enforcement has to do is take a photo of the boats that are not operating safely and send a fine by mail.I have been fishing the saint Croix for 40 years there are many people that own large boats that operate in a responsible manner but their are the idiots that ruin it for everybody and don’t respect the smaller boats on the river and people get hurt

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