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  • label033
    Posts: 13

    I’ll trade 2-3 mph for this not happening again! We’ll see what the dealer says, hopefully soon.

    Posts: 13

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>label033 wrote:</div>
    We got about 4 miles out cruising along at about 3/4 throttle

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>label033 wrote:</div>
    When we got out to some waves I noticed the trim # on the smartcraft gauge was jumping around. It didn’t deviate much but would jump around between 0.1 and 0.4 on the gauge while we were cruising.

    When running this rough water are you working the trim up and down? Are you working the throttle faster/slower?

    You could be right, I was playing with throttle more than trim but I didn’t pay attention to where trim was at, I thought I had it all the way down.

    I’ll try that next time. I am by no means a big water expert so thank you for the advice.

    I brought the boat in to the dealer to have something else looked at so they were going to do a quick check on the motor too to make sure everything is fine. I don’t know enough about these engines to diagnose, even with your suggestions. Thanks for the replies though!

    Posts: 13

    That’s a good question. I don’t know? I’ll check when I get home.

    Posts: 13

    Could be, I’ll have to do some more investigating. I am leaning towards the remote is showing incorrectly, or calculating to 50% min charge. I was up on LOTW this past weekend in some pretty rough water and the TM was working pretty hard on spot lock. I was in the red on the remote for quite a while and never did run out of juice. I didn’t think to look at what the charger reading showed when I got back to the dock.

    Posts: 13

    I have, without success. Mine had some play in the area where the teeth are where you can rotate it side to side. I emailed Cisco and they exchanged it for the non-rotating one for free and it is now rock solid. Great customer service. I liked the idea of being able to adjust side to side but in the end really didn’t need it so it was an easy decision for me to go to just the tilt one. Less moving parts.

    Posts: 13

    That is great to know they have a low voltage limit, I’ve been super paranoid about it getting stuck down and having to mess with manually getting it back up.

    I was hoping there was an easy fix, I have downloaded the latest softwware and everything, without any success. Hope that gets fixed soon!

    Posts: 13

    I have a question to add on to the OP’s questions. If you run directly to the battery, how do you (or can you?) use the master power switch? Is that possible?

    Posts: 13

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>label033 wrote:</div>
    Federal ammo display

    I liked SW a lot. I still have a ton of NIP baits I bought when they closed shop. doah

    Hey Label, do you happen to know JJ R. @ Federal?

    I do, not well but know of him

    Posts: 13

    I helped out setting the Federal ammo display in this store last week, and got to talking to several of the workers. Good people there. The store is looking great, should do really well. I’m excited about it.

    Posts: 13

    Chubby- don’t disagree at all, I like them because I bring it into the garage every time, except that one time… and here we are. I agree, if it were bolted I doubt it would have been stolen. I will argue that popping the ipilot link head off is pretty easy so your bolts will not protect against that..

    Posts: 13

    The exact same thing happened to me Sunday night/Monday morning in the exact same area. They stole a Terrova off the front of my boat and went into the glove box and took the ipilot remote as well. They even took my MN and WI fishing licenses out of the glove box! I didn’t have the foot controller in the boat nor the manual so I at least have the serial number. The one time I didn’t take it off and bring it in the garage…. Pretty mad at myself.

    I filed a report with the Andover Sherriff’s dept, you should do the same if you haven’t already. I’m sure this dude has a garage full of them, and hopefully they’ll catch the jerk.

    Sorry to hear that man, I feel your pain. I’ll be keeping an eye out on CL and will let ya know if I come across anything.

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