Yes if you look on the co2 cartridge you can see the date they were produced. You may need to look closely because it can be hard to read/find sometimes.

Posts: 39
Yes if you look on the co2 cartridge you can see the date they were produced. You may need to look closely because it can be hard to read/find sometimes.
The cartridges do expire they have a 3 year shelf life. You can see the date they were produced on them. And yes the inflatable must be worn. If the cartridge is expired it is not a legal pfd.
I currently work at one of the stores mentioned in Woodbury. Sure y’all can guess what one. I agree the people my store hires that have zero knowledge of fishing really irritates me.
I love the store I work at for the most part. My GM and AGM are awesome. I admit I never been into a Scheels. I’m more of a mom and pops kind of guys when possible.
I have lots of regular costumers that come and will only deal with me or when they call they ask simply for me. I do send people to other stores if I know they can get a better deal or cheaper price elsewhere. I know not everyone does that. The company I work for has gone down hill a bit since they were bought that I do agree with.
Update on what’s left
Marcum camera is on hold
Ice house in on hold
2 of the sleds are on hold
Still available
Vexlar FL-8se asking 125
Ice fishing combos 6 of them asking 30 for all.
Striker Predator bibs 2XL wore once asking 150.
Striker Hardware jacket no hood 2XL wore twice asking 150.
Lakes and Rivers 2 man ice hub asking 100 brand new still in box never used.
Eskimo Auger asking 120.
Sorry for your loss. Hope your mom gets along ok. What model Vex? Your Yukon is worth more than 400 for sure.
Vexlar is a FL-8se better pictures attached
I have a few unanswered texts and I apologize I didn’t get to them today I will txt y’all back tomorrow afternoon if I didn’t today.
I understand the demand for outdoor gear I sell fishing stuff as my job and know how small inventory is but I still have a hard time charging more I always sell my old gear for cheaper. I know I could get 500 for it maybe more but it retails for 778 new. 400 seemed fair to me and it’ll get us a few bills covered until dad’s insurances and what not pay my mom.
Keith, again, sorry for the loss! Its a bummer you couldnt put these to use yourself, but understand the situation.
I think by consensus the guys here wouldnt take advantage of you, but do some checking on pricing for the items you have so you dont let it go for far less than its worth. I think that house may be worth significantly more than that, but I dont have Clam stuff myself. I know the new ones go for $700+, but if you have a little time do some searching and see where things are at for the bigger ticket items at least.
Yea I’m careful of that I work at the hated cabela’s so I know what everything is worth retail. The vexlar is the oldest item he has. Everything works like a champ. The man took pride in keeping his gear clean and like new.
My number is 7157056633. Feel free to txt for info. If you call and I don’t answer just leave a message
I didn’t list prices because I’m open to negotiations. The stuff is located in crystal MN near Brooklyn center I’m sure I spelt that wrong. Most the stuff I can fit in my car just not the ice house.
Keith, very sorry for your loss. I see you are still updating the post. Do you have an idea on prices you are looking for? Location?
I could potentially be interested in the Yukon XL and/or Vexilar.
The Yukon is 780 brand new he only used it once. I would like around 400 for the house but it is all a negotiation so shoot me an offer. I’m no ice fisherman so the prices are guesses. The vexlar I have no idea what it is worth so make an offer. I know what they cost new that’s about it.
Keith, sorry to hear the bad news. My condolences. Where abouts are you located? I’m looking for around a 60” sled
Mom lives in crystal MN. The sleds are 53 L 25W 10H. So smaller then you may be looking for.
I might have a UL set up or two I can donate to you. I will do almost anything to help kids. They hold a super special place in my heart since I lost my first son. Feel free to send me a pm.
Without mapping capability, I’d rather have an auger than a flasher. You can still find the structure although it will take you longer. You can catch fish without a flasher but generally not as many. Most fisherman today couldn’t concentrate long enough to fish without electronics.
When I started fishing in the late 60s, we still had real winters and augers were a luxury. We’d chop holes through 2-3 feet of ice and fish our one line. Start at the bottom and keep changing depths until you started getting bites. We fished known spots and hole hopping didn’t exist unless there were open holes from other fishermen that left. When one of our friends got a Mora hand auger we were giddy. Then my dad bought a used gas auger, oh boy. It only had a 30″-36″ shaft and some winters we still had to chop more to get through. This was on Minnetonka, not some northern lake.
That is exactly what I do when I’m with my dad. Start at the bottom and slowly work my lure/bait to the surface I do okay but then again just go to relax and catching fish is a plus.
I’m much more intense and competitive in the summer when I’m with the guys.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>keith schuckert wrote:</div>
I have navionics. All the lakes mentioned above are in st.paul and maplewood. And my old man has a flasher and the few times I have been out with him. I dunno it just didn’t leave an impression to spend 100$ or more on a used one. Thanks for your advice guys I’ll let ya know how I do and what lake I tried.I think you might be the first person I have ever heard say that a flasher didn’t make them more productive on the ice.
I haven’t fished without electronics in years. From what I remember when I did, I fished community spots, checked the bottom with a weight and set a bobber, sat around and drowned bait hoping that I was in the right spot. I remember the saying that 90 percent of the fish are in 10 percent of the lake while I don’t think that’s totally accurate, I do know from running side imaging during open water that even on structure there is a lot of dead water in a lake.
IMO be willing to bet that trying a flasher would put you on more fish than asking tight lipped people were to fish in a forum will…..
Sorry to confuse you I never mentioned productivity in my statement I said it didn’t leave a big enough impression. Also I used to fish most these lakes when I was younger but lake phalen and mccarrons are inner city lakes and I left the east side of st.paul long ago. Might just be that I’m just starting to get into ice fishing,
It took 38 years but I’m ready to try finally. But personally for me that money could be better spent on my 2 year old. I do have access to one (dad’s). Even in my boat I trust my gut over my electronics. I also exclusively CnR. It’s more about the thrill of finding them and just getting out for a day.
I have navionics. All the lakes mentioned above are in st.paul and maplewood. And my old man has a flasher and the few times I have been out with him. I dunno it just didn’t leave an impression to spend 100$ or more on a used one. Thanks for your advice guys I’ll let ya know how I do and what lake I tried.
Right now me and my better half are lucky in that she is staying home while finishing college but her internship starts soon. Not sure what area you live in but st.croix county is working with us through his birth to 3 worker to try and figure all this out before she starts work. Maybe check with your county see if they can give any advice? Best of luck and well wishes heading your way and every other family going through this.
Bjorn our mastiff/great pyraneese mix and tippy our lab/hound mix way back with his baby.
I have been finding them in 2-8 fow. Haven’t even had to take the boat or kayak out. Been doing pretty good from shore.
Yes it is a ML cypress all my rods except the bass pro in the other picture are sixgill.
Thank you all for the advice. I am always extra careful when I wade and will be extra vigilant if the current is moving pretty good.
Thanks guys I’m probably going to go tomorrow morning. I will bring the kayak. I’m always careful in it and send the wife my gps location just incase something does happen. Any rip rap I should worry about or is it generally a smooth float?
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>keith schuckert wrote:</div>
Where would one park to I have been trying to find info to wade for smallies. Would love to catch one on my fly rod but can’t find much info online.Keith:
Take Highway 63 North [north Broadway], north out of two about 16 miles to a left turn onto Wabasha County 7. Travel west about 2 1/2 miles to where Wabasha County 21 merges from the south. Take the left onto Co. 21 about 200 feet and on the left is a sandy gravel parking lot and a canoe access point. Just hit the water in waders and start casting. Where you’ll be fishing is a c/r managed smallie water upstream about three miles to the Lake Zumbro Dam and downstream to Zumbro Falls. Some days can have a decent current while the dam is taking water to generate electricity while other days it flow can be really pleasant. You’ll be in the Zumbro River.
If you take a trip to the west to Byron about 8 miles and then north out of Byron on Olmsted County Road 5 for about 4 miles you’ll find signs directing you to Oxbow County Park where Olmsted County Rd 4 merges from the east. Its a left turn then another left immediately. The first parking area to the left will easily be seen from the road and this fork of the Zumbro River system is also c/r managed for smallies but they are not real sizable.
If you are without a boat currently and want some walleye, decent crappie action this fall later on, drive to Lake City straight out of Rochester on North Broadway just like you’re headed for that first smallie destination. At Lake City find the breakwater separating Lake Pepin from the sailboat harbor just out of the marina, NOT the long concrete pier on the south end of the sailboat harbor. <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Walleyes and crappies will be very available to casting jigs and plastics or jigs and minnows from the end of September until ice up. The sailboat harbor itself will offer some stellar panfish jigging from the docks after October 10th when they won’t mind you in there. I make weekly trips to the breakwater/harbor, often twice a week all thru October and well into November. I’d be happy to have you tag along for a couple if you’re still snooping for boat-less fishing. No special tackle for either <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>crappie fishing or walleye fishing. I make tackle so you won’t likely need to buy any of that. You can connect with me by pm’s here if interested.
Thank you very much. Looks like I found something to do on sunday the rare day I have both jobs off on the same day.
Where would one park to I have been trying to find info to wade for smallies. Would love to catch one on my fly rod but can’t find much info online.