I don’t think you should have any leaks no matter the brand…I’ve got the cheap vexilar cold snap bibs($100) that I really like and have never had any leaks
March 13, 2014 at 8:32 pm
I don’t think you should have any leaks no matter the brand…I’ve got the cheap vexilar cold snap bibs($100) that I really like and have never had any leaks
I did this to my boat before I sold it …youll be very pleased with adding the lights! Best mod for a boat hands down
6’9″ UL by St. Croix sounds like your go to…used my friends and absolutely love it! Theres no such thing as buyers remorse with these
A boat’s only worth what someone is willing to pay. Book values are pretty worthless, IMHO.
Ive got first hand experience with this one
Shows a sorry lack of priorities, if you are going to spend that kind of money on something, it should be a boat!
I couldnt agree more!
Also, make sure the line is not resting against the side of the hole over night. From expierence I can say catching fish with your line froze to side of the hole can make fishing pretty tough!
I wear a thin pair of polypropylene socks underneath
Love my pair of Alphas!
When looking for new lakes I always give the dnr lakefinder a visit. You can check all the stocking and net reports for area lakes. Ive found some real gems doing this! The results wont come without a little homework! Good luck and have fun searching!
By changing the water every day or every other depending on how many minnows/suckers/fatheads/rainbows etc. you have will help. Adding a bubbler and chlorine killer will give you a few weeks or more. This is all I do and have had minnows for a month or longer. By the end of the season I will have only bought bait two or three times. Usually all my friends give me theirs and I keep them for the majority of the season…sometimes it looks like im running my own bait shop
What a pig!!! Ive heard a gill of that size is harder to come by then a 30inch eye! Congrats.
No way will I be up to watch any game at 3am…Got it set to record
Saw a ford taurus out on phelps with about 9 inches this past friday…
A lot of people don’t realize he is doing this with 8 and 9 guys in the box…Best RB ever if he stays healthy
Ive been saying this sicne the season started!!
Cabin for sure. I pull my cabin out by man power every time. With some rope strung through the hitch holes on the front and the rope worn across your shoulder/chest you can pull the house easy. Unless theres a ft of foot of snow then its tough no matter what. These sleds pull much easier then anything else out there! Plus since you fish with others the extra room will be very nice! Good Luck
Only 60 something days until George Strait!
Got mine!!!!! Cannot Wait!!!!
Something around $200. Point and shoot. I was looking at the Nikon waterproof camera but $350 is out of my range…Something faily tough but still takes good pics
I dont have an issue with knots, you just have to watch where you coil up the line when fighting. As far as burns from running fish, Ive never had a problem
A lot depends on what you’ll be using for bait. Typically early in the season I start off early in the running my tip ups with 4-6″ sucker minnows with a single #2 sized red or chartreuse hook. As the season progresses and fish become more lethargic I continue to downsize my bait and move to smaller sucker minnows or shiners and continue with the #2 hook. By the end of the year I have my best luck running nothing more than a fathead and I will downsize to a #4 plain hook.
Also, if you are fishing an area where pike are in the mix you may want to give a quick-strike rig a try. My preferred approach is a homemade set up with a single snap ring to attach two 8-10″ 30# flourocarbin leaders each outfitted with a VMC 2X strength long shank treble hook in red.
Not take us off track here…Will, could you possibley upload a pic of the home made quick strike? Also, can you make yours for less then buying them in the store? Ive got 2 and id like lots more for the future!
All of my walleye rigs are braid + swivel + 8lbs Fluro +enough weight to keep the bait down and a gamakatsu octopus hook…hook size depends on what we are using for bait(minnow, fathead, shiners etc.) Bait depends on trial and error or whats ever hot…Dont forget to set the sensitivity real light!
I hope thorne bros. has prepared better for custom rod orders this yr vs. last yr
Ive been trying different grips for my jiffy for the last 3yrs and I think ive found what works the best…Skateboard deck tape seems to be the most durable and allows for an extremely good hold. Ive tried everything from hockey tape to baseball bat grips and nothing holds up anywhere close to the deck tape. Regular hockey tape gets dry and tears, bball bat grips hold moisture and freeze. Give the deck tape a go and see how it works!
I saw this last summer while my road crew was painting by the airport! Seeing it in person is something worth doing seeing before you die! Its hard to imagine something of this size can fly
If a dog can sense a seizure coming on, Im gonna say hearing or smelling out termites is no big deal….