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  • Krh129
    Posts: 169

    I’ve bought 3rd party extended warranties from my Credit Union which only offers a warranty that mirrors the manufacturer’s original from Route 66 an have been happy. Once the original runs out I go to an independent garage for the warranty work which is not often but considering they replaced an engine at 82,000 miles on my 2016 GMC Sierra due to lifters going bad for about 7k with no issues.

    I think it depends on who you buy it from.

    Posts: 169

    Changing the <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>walleye limit will have zero effect on me other than I could potentially not keep as many fish as I would have otherwise. Being able to keep fish isn’t important to me. If I do catch a walleye, it will likely be coming home with me unless it is what I deem too big or out of Mille Lacs with the restrictive limit and slot.

    What I have gathered from reading this thread is that the main reason for the proposed change is to give anglers an easier-to-achieve goal, which will, in theory, boost their satisfaction level. That reason is good enough for me. If there are 10,000 satisfied fishermen because of the change and 1,000 or 5,000, or 9,999 disgruntled ones. Yes, they have done the right thing. It is only wrong in my mind if it is an even split or more disgruntled anglers than satisfied ones. Talking about the wisdom or lack of it biologically may make you feel good, but it is missing the point of the change entirely. If you oppose the regulation change, you need to hire a reputable public polling agency and commission a poll on the subject. I would presume the DNR has already done that, and you are not going to like the results you get. If the DNR has not done its due diligence and the polling reflects that the change would be a loser for them, you will probably open their eyes and win the argument.


    Being that most anglers below the age of 30-40 are bass fisherman are programed for C & R and are likely to find walleye fishing tedious and boring the limit does not matter to them, last opener I spent most of the day bass fishing with my son, just shook my head, my Dad was rolling over in his grave.

    Posts: 169

    I feel worse for the snow plowers rather then the snowmobilers

    No kidding, not to mention all the small businesses up north that depend on snowmobiles and their riders, bars, restaurants hotels etc..

    Have never owned one and no interest in doing so but it seems to be a bad idea to be buying one as time goes on.

    Posts: 169

    Nice post Basseyes. Level headed and thought out.

    Agreed and what it points to more generally is that as the number of people who participate in fishing and especially hunting continues to decline political clout goes with it. I doubt even a change of party will change things, and I find it ironic that as he stated there are a large number of organizations opposed to managing the population while people who hunt and fish seem to almost sport bash organizations that support hunting and fishing.

    Posts: 169

    Noticed it is a bit uneven at some spots, but most of the nicer places still seem rock solid. But yes it is a pricey affair especially when you throw a few $12 glasses of wine or a couple of manhattans on the bill.

    Posts: 169

    I don’t like the committee thing at all, but you gotta remember they only make decisions on that 1.5% grant, not the 40%. This is a small concession and the committee will still be majority MN state citizens vs the tribes (competing tribes at that). I think it’s simple risk management to pay the 1.5% to guarantee the 40% vs risk it all for a later vote. The 40% ends at 2025 and you need to yet the voters back to the polls to amend any constitional votes to restart that funding. It will be tougher in non-federal election years.

    I don’t like the committee thing at all, but you gotta remember they only make decisions on that 1.5% grant, not the 40%. This is a small concession and the committee will still be majority MN state citizens vs the tribes (competing tribes at that). I think it’s simple risk management to pay the 1.5% to guarantee the 40% vs risk it all for a later vote. The 40% ends at 2025 and you need to yet the voters back to the polls to amend any constitional votes to restart that funding. It will be tougher in non-federal election years.

    Might have been just easier to say voting no is cutting your nose off to spite your face, or vote no and kiss the money good bye.

    Posts: 169

    My kid just fished a tournament up there last weekend, he said their best fishing were weeds that came off of points especially island points, and reefs that came up to 3-4 feet where they could see weeds. Ned rigs and top water.

    Posts: 169

    Here are 3 ideas not necessarily in any order

    Browns Clearwater West near Aitikokan my kid has fished it and done well

    Trout Lake next to Vermilion can be good but is limited to 25 hp motors it is part of the BWCA

    Whitefish Bay on Lake of the Woods we go in there in spring via the turtle portage and have done well

    Posts: 169

    Best day with my Livescope was when I sold it. I would rather fish than play video games. Especially while outdoors. It’s amazing the amount of money people will dish out to spend all day watching some blurry lines on a screen.


    Posts: 169

    I think a three year plan would be wonderful.
    It wouldn’t be a set quota, but rather a formula based on the Spawning Stock Biomass. If the SSB increases the exploitation rate increases, if the SSB decreases the exploitation rate decreases.
    For example if the SSB is 1,219,000 lbs, the exploitation rate is 12.9% (the actual 2024 numbers), quota = 157,500 lbs. If the SSB increases to 1,300,000 then 13.5% exploitation rate, quota = 175,500 lbs.
    There would be a stop gate installed in the formula, “if the SSB drops below 1,000,000 lbs, exploitation rate may not be more than 10%”

    Keep the numbers in the formula for three years, then adjust if needed.

    This is mostly off the top of my head, but this is what I’d like to see.

    Now good luck getting it adopted into policy…

    Sometimes I wish I was emperor of Natural Resources.

    Thanks for your posts interesting reads.
    I was at a family gathering last night where this topic came up. My son and my 4 nephews ( all were on HS fishing teams) basic response was yeah we’ve noticed we caught a few more walleyes when we have been bass fishing. The point being there is a younger generation of people fishing who have little to no interest in the ML walleye harvest drama as long as the smallies are there. Walleyes and the people who fish them (like me) are a dying breed and with that goes political clout. Personally I’ve made peace with it and fish the lake for what it is.

    Posts: 169

    You can rent an In Reach as well.

    Posts: 169

    Where is the guy you used located? My son lives near Eveleth and is looking for someone to re rig his boat.

    Sounds like you were sent in a good direction.

    Posts: 169

    I guess I would contact my agent and discuss it with him/her and find out how the claim would affect your rates, and/or file the claim see what they would do monetarily and what your costs are etc.

    About a year ago I cracked the cover to my 2022 Suzuki 115 while getting it ready at a landing. I called my agent he told me it would be covered. The cost to replace it was $1900 and as he said the increase to my premiums would be slight and it was not even noticeable.

    I have also started a claim decided it did not make sense and cancelled it.
    Remember part of the premium’s and commission your agent makes is for customer service.

    Posts: 169

    Treblab Z2. I use my for working out at the club which is really noisy and have even wore them moving the lawn. They are $89 on Amazon.

    Posts: 169

    Could they be “landing lights” for boat recovery/launching in the dark, I have them (white in color) on mine they only activate in low light conditions.

    Posts: 169

    Thanks for your efforts, I’ve guided for 2 Governors Fishing Openers both were a lot of fn to attend and have seen first hand the hard work members of the host community do to show off their area.

    You were correct to call out the comments and the authors. They can do better I’ve seen it.

    Posts: 169

    Mix apricot preserve and whatever bbq sauce you like ( I like a little spicer bbq sauce in this) in equal amounts.

    Posts: 169

    Try The Motor Clinic in Bloomington.

    Posts: 169

    First off I’m sorry that you have to deal with is, it’s the type of thing that rattles you at the very least.

    My son was diagnosed with Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes when he was 12 almost 20 years ago. My wife and I are active in JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I would suggest going to their web site to start as there is information on Type 2 diabetes and the difference between Type 1 and Type 2.

    Despite your wish to do this on your own, my best advice is find an Endocrinologist or Diabetes Specialist if you are not seeing one already and find a dietitian and meet with them. As examples my son will tell you that certain types of carbs/ food spike his blood sugar worse than others, not eating a solid breakfast throws everything out of whack, beer or spirits w/o food causes lots of issues.

    Diabetes whether Type 1 or Type 2 are not the issue unregulated blood sugar is. The risk of complications from unregulated blood sugar are enormous, will change your quality of life, your life as you knew it in many ways is gone but your quality of life can stay the same, you are in a marathon not a sprint, you cannot do it alone so do it right.

    I’m happy and grateful to report my son has good control of his blood sugar, he has traveled all over the world doing “adventures”, hunts and fishes around his home north of the iron range all because he controls his blood sugar, which includes meeting with medical professionals regularly, diet, exercise, and keeping up to date on the latest advances in treatment which are coming at warp speed.

    Best of luck and health as you navigate this.

    Posts: 169

    Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides. Account of 1 of the first ever raids by the Army Rangers to save survivors of the Bataan Death March

    Posts: 169

    I used a guy in Pierz a few years ago I think he calls it TBC Marine now.

    Posts: 169

    The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire that Saved

    Lost in the Wild: Danger and Survival in the North Woods

    Gunflint Burning: Fire in the Boundary Waters

    Posts: 169

    Contact the Canada Border Services Agency. Generally for an alcohol related driving offense you are considered rehabilitated after 10 years from the completion of your sentence and can cross. Within 10 years you will need a waiver.

    Posts: 169

    One of the things at the Arizona Memorial that really affected me was the plaque with the names of survivors of the attack that had their ashes interred on the Arizona when they died to be with their fallen shipmates.

    Me too…..just stunning

    1. IMG_1309-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 169

    I’ve gone away from the seedlings and plant a little larger tree most SWCD have potted trees, I order from Morrison Co as an fyi. So I plant fewer but my success rate has gone up.

    I use a product called Plantskydd on them, the spray not the pellets and that has worked really well for me. I carry a bottle around and spray them 2-3 times a year when I am out and about until they seem to be big enough to make a go of it on their

    Posts: 169

    I think that might have been the crux of the gripe by the UAW. They made concessions in 2008 renegotiating a 2007 contract so the companies could receive TARP bailout money. Those concessions were still in place when the strike started and the companies were making record profits.

    I know this was not your point but I’m confused why anyone would be upset when a group of middle class workers get a good deal raising their standard of living….a rising tide raises all boats.

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