First off I’m sorry that you have to deal with is, it’s the type of thing that rattles you at the very least.
My son was diagnosed with Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes when he was 12 almost 20 years ago. My wife and I are active in JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I would suggest going to their web site to start as there is information on Type 2 diabetes and the difference between Type 1 and Type 2.
Despite your wish to do this on your own, my best advice is find an Endocrinologist or Diabetes Specialist if you are not seeing one already and find a dietitian and meet with them. As examples my son will tell you that certain types of carbs/ food spike his blood sugar worse than others, not eating a solid breakfast throws everything out of whack, beer or spirits w/o food causes lots of issues.
Diabetes whether Type 1 or Type 2 are not the issue unregulated blood sugar is. The risk of complications from unregulated blood sugar are enormous, will change your quality of life, your life as you knew it in many ways is gone but your quality of life can stay the same, you are in a marathon not a sprint, you cannot do it alone so do it right.
I’m happy and grateful to report my son has good control of his blood sugar, he has traveled all over the world doing “adventures”, hunts and fishes around his home north of the iron range all because he controls his blood sugar, which includes meeting with medical professionals regularly, diet, exercise, and keeping up to date on the latest advances in treatment which are coming at warp speed.
Best of luck and health as you navigate this.