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  • kmcquoid
    Posts: 17

    It’s really been a great year so far. DNR Creel Census told us that the #s for December were the 2nd best for any month recorded. Still gonna have a few slower days, and unfortunately with the cold front…there you go.

    Be sure to head back up to Mille Lacs this month and give it another go!

    Karen McQuoid
    Mac’s Twin Bay Resort

    Posts: 17

    Sorry about the cut and paste! We were really late in posting this to the great ice fishing sites, so I kind of rushed a bit too much. This is Karen, and I have been posting on and off. I’ll try to be more “on” this year with fishing and ice reports! BTW, Kevin doesn’t really do email or posting–as with most couples, we kind of split up certain duties. He plows, I post, he fishes, hmmm I fish too, he guts deer, hmmm so do I, wait, he puts salt in the softener! Just kidding a bit…

    Yes, we are hosting it. I just didn’t want to put an overtly ‘commerical’ post up here. The NAFC has a site,, that has the information and we have it on our site, too.

    Mac’s Twin Bay

    Posts: 17


    Glad Kevin got to talk with you this morning after we read your post. We had no idea you ran into this this weekend! I know you were pretty cold and in shock likely, but we do want to know about these things when they happen, so next time…just kidding, there won’t be a next time, right?

    Going across banks from the plows is just not a good idea, as you have now experienced. Many times the weight is too much and there are cracks along the banks. Big reason why we say STAY on the roads.

    Thanks for sharing a great learning opportunity with everyone! Stay safe and DRY.

    Karen McQuoid
    Mac’s Twin Bay

    Posts: 17

    This death was a terrible tragedy. Ice heaves are dangerous every year, not just this year! Please keep your speed down.

    Jack mentioned the crack ‘on our roads’ by the gravel at Mac’s. Just to clarify, no vehicle traffic was allowed over that crack. We had only a handful of houses across it, and they were allowed only to walk or snowmobile across, using a small footbridge.

    Please everyone, be safe and always check with the resorters. We all care about your safety. Get the truth directly from us:)

    Mac’s Twin Bay

    Posts: 17

    We have this coverage on all our lake trucks and have learned that some companies cover ice recovery under comprehensive coverage, but others do not. Best to check with your agent and have them confirm with underwriting.


    Posts: 17

    Two things.

    Jon, I do apologize that the Messenger deemed it necessary to call out your name when they printed my letter to the editor. It was not included in the letter I faxed to them. I can fax a copy to you directly if you like. Please confirm this, if you like, with Kevin Anderson at the Messenger. 320 676 3123.

    Second. No vehicle went through at Mac’s Twin Bay. The person in the area who recovers vehicles on the lake is JIM STARICHA, 320 676 3718. Confirm this fact with him. NOTHING went in here. Many folks confuse McQuoid’s Inn with Mac’s Twin Bay because Kevin’s parents used to own it. Could it be that a vehicle went in there? I truly do not know.

    Jon, I think you and I are on the same page in many respects. We really are careful on the ice. Until only 6 days ago, we were only out about a mile. Then we went to Hennepin (3 miles out). We are now considering going to the gravel (5 miles out). Many resorts do push it. Many resorts have tougher ice conditions than we do. We are fortunate to typically have good ice inside of Hawkbill.

    Again, I apologize that this has gotten blown up. I did not call you out specifically. I am sure you do the best you can from your resort, as do we.

    Best of luck.

    Posts: 17

    Scott, It’s Karen. Kevin may be able to figure out the GPS, but not email and forums!!

    As for Jack, well ya gotta love him AND give him a hard time:)

    Posts: 17

    All is well out of Mac’s Twin Bay on the SE side. Still driving–15″ ice and some wet stuff on top.

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