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  • kenfred
    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Just got the mount back from 2008 Manitoba kill. Estimated (from length/girth, etc) weight of 585-600 pounds. Old (20-25 years) dry sow. Skull went 18 0/8.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    What’s up with those Manitoba bears this year? Had to put an arrow into mine at 8 feet. Another of our guys had to put a second round into his as it charged the stand after the first shot.

    Always an adventure going North, eh?

    Great read-Congrats.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Here’s out photos from our Manitoba hunt.

    Taken at a distance of 8 feet-aggressive bear.

    Eli’s first bear

    No luck in Minnesota-corn hit the milk stage and there was no stopping the migration.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Starting Monday, I’ll be looking for her twin brother.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Believe it or not, that was a sow. Measured 67 inches nose to tail and girth was also 67 inches. Call her my “square bear”. Scale at the lodge only went to 500, so all we have to go on is tables of measurements. Estimated 20-25 years old, weight 585-600. Skull scored 18 0/8 after drying time.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Good luck-have a safe & successful hunt! With all the knowledge you have gained here, should be a great hunt.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Brings a tear to my eye when we put a whole apple pie into the barrel.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15


    Bear huntin’ & fishing go together like Johnny P.’s Hooters girls and roller skates. Uff da!

    Anyhow, back to nocturnal bears-here’s another gem:

    Have three guys go in and two sit(one guy baits and leaves). About an hour b/4 dark, one guy leaves and the other stays put, ready to drop the hammer, ’cause Old Smokey figures the hunter has left for the day.

    Game over!

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Sorry-I did not intend to hijack this thread………..

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Near Flin Flon. Fishing ain’t bad, either.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Hopefully he will have the courtesy to consume large amounts of an internal deodorant such as Nullo. Which is another tip to keep the human odor to a minimum (two schools of thought on the scent control issue).

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    We’ve moved baits/stands twice. Batting 500 on that one. Matter of fact the one it didn’t work on was eventually abandoned. Just didn’t produce.

    Joel-look forward to meeting you. My son and I will be there second week of Sept. Can’t wait-two bear hunts back to back

    Gman’s tip about fresh scent sprayed periodically is a good one to remember as well.

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Archery-taking both the crossbow and the compound.

    So far, one with each as well as 3 with rifle.

    Last years bear:

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    Right on GMAN-one must be selective with the pooper scooper.
    Bigger is not always better……

    Another trick for nocturnal bears is to put a cardboard cutout of a man in the stand overnight.

    I have yet another trick up my sleeve, but it is untested at this point. Gonna try it out next week up in Manitoba, and also maybe the week after on my hunt with Johnny P. (pending MB report and his approval, of course).

    Akra Twp, ND
    Posts: 15

    A trick that worked for me on a nocturnal bear one year was to reduce the amount of bait as well as carry it out if nothing showed. But the kicker was to scoop up some scat from another distant area and deposit it near the crib. Bear thought some new guy was moving in and showed up way early. Result was a bad case of lead poisoning!

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