Gary, Thank you for a chance to explain my feelings.
I hated just as deep a any of you, and deeper. While you heard of it I lived it, every second of it. I watched my home town and my family move away, and I hated. Waskish and Ponemah have always played hardnosed softball against each other. Many of them were commercial fishermen, many of them were the first ones to raise the alarm about the walleyes. Some of them died,,, ruled suicide.
After the walleyes collapsed and everything including the softball games ended we still bumped into each other. Both sides hating each other, both sides broke because the “Lake” was our income and both sides drifting around lost without the “Lake”. It turned out we shared more pain then hatred. We worked together, we both quit fishing, we donated all the time or effort needed, we brought the Lake back. I’m proud of what we did.
“What are they trying to gain? What is in it for them?”
Pride, a sense of redemption, fixing a wrong.
A poll was taken last year among Red Lake Band Members whether or not to bring back gill nets.
51% opposed
49% for
If feel that if we yell at them or throw rocks all we are doing is swinging it to gill nests again.
” He made the statement that the netters “knew” that they were cleaning out the lake and it was a “last minute dash” to get it “now or never” at the end of it all, because again, they knew they were cleaning out the lake.”
At the same time the netters were racing to get the last walleyes the whites were racing to beat the netters to the last walleyes. I don’t know who won, it was a dead heat to the last walleye. Maybe we both won,,, a lake with 1, yes one, spawning walleye per 40 acres.
In any case I feel that the Red Lake Band is at a cross roads. It needs time to change. Many of you dislike/hate me for the stand I am taking but,,,, my nose had been smeared all over my face, most of my teeth have been chipped, my hands look like a railroad car has run over them and I have never backed down from a fight,, even the ones I knew I would lose.
Every minute you are busy hating me is one more minute people have to change the future direction of the Red Lake Band.